Monday, April 29, 2019

White man is not your friend

White people will never love to see Black people living in harmony the problem started when they arrive in 1600 or so,they find a very civilized and intelligence people here in Afrika they find rich people who take gold for granted because they have plenty of it ..  When crackers arrive here and see our rich mother land they went mad and start to kill people for such material thing like gold.....they take our land by force and force our ankhsestors to go and work for them they force our ankhsestors to help them stealing our resources when our ankhsestors refuse  more war's they encounter they were even forced to pay tax. ...during that time it was called "ukhandampondo" where every family was forced to pay tax the sum of R2 and when that family don't that R2 these thieves would tale a cow and live them in peace for 5months because back then the cow was R10 1930 they implemented the law called lands act that stop Black people to buy or sell the land..

Black people loose so much of their cows and their land that forced them to go and look for jobs in mines and in sugar cane fields .
.these crackers make our stocks to sick that was when they introduce "amatele" to cows they poisoned our water we start to get sick of cholera..... King Bambatha kaMancinza refuse to pay tax and wage war and kill many whites until they bribe one of his people to kill him and they succeed.... Later these people introduce their education system to us their aim was to make us proper slaves that know how to read and write how to obey and understand what the master say.... Education was never meant to empower Black people but to enslave them that is why our graduates still serving the very system that is colonizing our land instead of empowering their own race with this kind of knowledge they have #UbuntutheAnkhfoundation®...

If you think I'm telling lies because ihate white people better think again just do your own research of the man called W Basson aka Dr death...that man created HIV AIDS and injected none apartheid activist that not only that the man also created different kinds of drugs like cocaine, heroine, mandrax and ecstasy.. His aim was to down-stroy(destroy) Black lives in South Afrika.. So according to my own understanding that man is a devil.... Not only him but the rest of his kind who think apartheid was not a crime against humanity... Today we are still suffered the pain we still experience the similar treatment as our Afrika sashleli kamnandi e Afrika kusebukhosini until civilization came and change everything.. Today we have so many man-made diseases that was created to destroy us but we didn't have any plan to destroy anyone or take the land from anyone but instead our land was taken away from us today we are busy fighting each other for smaller pie when white people have it all ..bengakafiki bezingekho zonke lezifo amaphara ayengekho ukdlwengula kwakungekho kuningi okwashintsha ngokfika kondlebe zikhany'ilanga ngbala ukuzihlonipha as isizwe..phela thina kwaNtu inhlonipho sakhuliswa ngayo but things are no longer the same. .kumanje syasokola umuntu omnyama akanulutho ezwen lakhe..into ekhona nje esinayo ubugebengu obusezingeni eliphezulu,abahlala emgwaqeni,abadla izidakamizwa,izitabane nezinkolo eziningi zamanga...slahlekile siyisizwe syeke izyalo kubantu abangaphambi kwethu salalela umcindezeli wethu namhlanje syavuna izthelo zokungalaleli

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Sivotela ukcebisa osopolitiki nabanangani babo nemndeni uabo ingakho uma kukhishwa amathenda akhishelwa osbanibani abaconected nawo amapoliticians eMlazi I think not khona kphela but abantu abasebenzi bahlala ezindlini eziwayo abanye...ngasekhaya uma ufuna umsebenzi mele ube ilunga likakhongolose wenze sure ukuthi uyazihlanganisa nalemsangano yamarally if not so you won't find if nivota Bantu abansundu nivotela izigwili ukuthi zigwilike more nezichaka zihlupheke more....if DA win the election it would be over for Black people since that party have no interest on Black people just like FF+ all these political parties are same I was a member of BLF once it turns out Mgxithama working for Indians amagufta that why iqembu lakhe ligcwele amandiya ...amandiya ahlukumeza abantu bakithi ayabathuka ngazo zonke inhlamba uma ucabanga buza noma ubani osebenzela amandiya uzoktshela..
.bese ungtshela ukuthi lelo qembu likhathalele abantu abamnyama while lisafaka amandiya while kusanezitabane kulona...izitabane ziwuphawu lokufa kwezwe lethu nokphela kweRace yethu so iqembu elivumelana nobutabane leloqembu lilwa nomuntu omnyama kanye nemvelo....EFF ibukeka ingcono but nayo iqembu nje eliholwa yibo ondlebe zikhanya ilanga from London so nalo lifana nawo wonke amaqembu epolitik.. Uma uvotile this year mele wazi you are responsible for all these bloodshed and corruption that is going to happen my advice let us not vote ... Akvote osomathuba namacapitalist amanye #UbuntutheAnkh®

About myself

I'mVusi umfana kaMapholoba from eDurban ulwandle ngigeza ngalo I'm a musician and a music writer I'm a blogger a writer a poetric man... I have a book that I wrote called Bleeding Heart but it never published coz I don't have money if you want to help me I would me much happy my email is vision is to see Black people become their own bosses asè Black power till the last hour #UbuntutheAnkh®

Ubuntu the Ankh foundation

Ubuntu the Ankh foundation, Ubuntu the Ankh and Ubuntu Bami have the same Roots and I'm the founder of these platforms my aim and my vision was to emancipate Black people who are still oppressed, physical and mentally. They were made to believe that they were inferior and they can't do a thing for themselves...
With these platform iwant to remind Black people that they  are the founders of the first civilization.
They are the first people on earth even word Hue-man means Black man even you read bible it says before Creation they was a darkness on earth that why when you study well the history you will find that even those people who live here maybe 100 of million years ago they were all Black proof is statues in ancient Kemet(Egypt) with these platform I like to remind all of you Black people that you are not inferior but you are Original... #UbuntutheAnkh®

Does these religion's accepted by God Most high?

I've been asking myself this question for so long still now I don't find an answer.... Every time when Black people celebrating this evil day many of them die every time that make me ask my self does God happy about this religions or what ? Because if he is OK about them we won't have this kind of condolences to families that lost their love ones may their souls rest in Zion.... Good people these so called Holy-days(holidays) nothing holy about them and they have nothing to do with us
...Black people don't be misleded by these white people giving you their idea of God... They is never be a Jesus Christ who die for your sins if you want to celebrate something just celebrate Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe,Bantubonke Biko,Solomon Mahlangu,Tsietsi Mashinini,Patrice Lumumba, Feri Lou Hem,Carlotta Lukumi and many others.... Those are the ones who die for Black people they were tourtued,brutalized, homogenized some of them all that happen because they were busy trying to get us better life... But today we celebrating Christmas, Easter, braai day and all kind of non-sense days and forgetting our own important days in History like the day king Cetshwayo defeated whites like the day Emperor Haile Selassie I defeated Italians we need to celebrate the life of Solomon Mahlangu who was hanged at the young age by the father of Tony Leon the founder of DA in south Afrika....
Ma Afrika we need to ask ourselves about these religion's are they accepted by the Most High or it just money making scheme nje nothing more....I think as Black people our God must look exactly like us otherwise we have been played...even if you are a church-goer better know this whenever you pray your God must be like you...because us as Black people we are the first Creation on earth so that means we have a DNA of Creator God..our Ankhsestors of whom we carry their names with us they were gods/goddesses..So if we can start from there...respecting our Ankhsestors than we can be able to rep sect God... We must look God in our own perspective not other way around...we are gods/goddesses since we are created in his own likeliness. #UbuntutheAnkhfoundationman.
this man on the pic is not a son of God but his real name is Cesar Borgia he was a rapist and a murderer.. So evrytime you pray to this man know that you praying to devel and you are shaming your Ankhsestors who were forced to abonden what they know long time ago just to be saved by this Caucasian man

Sunday, April 21, 2019

United we rise Divided we fall

Our enemy knows that well that why he enter here diving us with money and corruption he created political parties so that they will be no ones ....see politic is like a puzzle that takes time to solve until the last minute when you get to realize that this puzzle was never meant to be solved... While we busy struggling trying to solve this puzzle our enemies digging our land and sucking dry our resources while we busy fighting and kill each other they make a real money from our resources we wouldn't know because we are busy fighting each other for cramps while they holding the whole....if we can Unite as Afrikans no matter which part you from as long as you Black you remain an Afrikan so if as Afrikans we can Unite instead of fighting and killing each other but Unite and make Afrika one just like it was before colonization... If we are Inited nothing can be impossible for us...we are strong we brave and we are original it time we  stand together as Black nation as Afrikans that we are no longer serving the system that don't benefit us but benefit from us #UbuntutheAnkh®


We only have ourselves to blame for most of bad things that is happening to our lives ..we vote for wrong leaders who turn to be misleaders..we abandon our own spirituality liveth for religion that was both to us by the very same people who slaughter our ankhsestors we now worship their gods their ancestors doing their weddings almost everything..  .we failed ourselves by trusting this liard called politicians (politrick) they come to poor people who have no jobs promise them better jobs they come to homeless people and promise them houses and better lives those politrickers or politicians they won't be seen ever again until the next election but we are so kind because we still have faith on them no matter how much they lie to long as we vote them on power we will suffer the rest of our lives.

  1. ..and all politrical parties are same they are all the puppets of those who funds them those funders are the one who are controlling the politrical game and their names will never be revealed ever again #UbuntutheAnkh

What is Ankh in Nguni people?

This is Ankh from Kemet the word Ankh means the birth of Creation
Those are eight deties of ancient Kemet(Egypt) they represent the birth of Creation.... But here in Nguni it represent the Ankhsestor(iThongo) that fight for you the name of this Ankhsestor is uMlenze-munye as you know in Zulu when someone is your defender him say "ngiphika ngima ngomlenze owodwa lo akakwenzanga lokho" so here this Ankhsestor is the one that guide  us and protect us from harm remember Nguni people they worship amaThongo and iThongo neDlozi is not the same iThongo is the massanger from//amagu,Ra,Jah,Menzi while iDlozi is the member of your family that look after those who believe on them and bring harm to those who don't... But for me iThongo is the best ....
KwaNtu our spiritually movement have 7 Ankhsestors(amaThongo ayisi7) which is Mvelinqangi,Sonzwaphi,Sodumo,Mlenze-munye,uMah,uNomkhubulwane noNomhoyi they are all the massagers of uMenzi...uMenzi was known by different names some call him Nyame,some call him Qamata while others call him Jehovah  or Jah but we call him //amagu and Camagu means light that is the same meaning as the name of Ra which means the God of light... Let God of light guide us to this journey and remember why we call our watchers Ankhsestors not ancestors which is a colony name asè #UbuntutheAnkhfoundation

Ubuntu Bami

Ubuntu is a Zulu name that means Humanity....In Zulu we grow up told that Umuntu nguMuntu ngabaNtu that an old Zulu says that means you because we are ...we use to care for each other our ankhsestors are my witness in those days they were no hungry or poor person because //amagu blessed NTU people with abundance prosperity. . Ubuntu is where we reminding each and everyone of us to remember of who we are we are the descendants of Twa people who were the first people to civilize the world.... As Ubuntu bami I would love to let you all know that our Roots are calling us..  We must Unite under the name Ubuntu (Humanity) from there they will be peace and harmony on earth asè #UbuntutheAnkhfoundation 

Friday, April 19, 2019


For Black to stop praising hero's and shero's of other races but praise their own time for them to stop worshipping gods of other races and start immediately to worship their own .. Black man and womban your God must look like you if not so than you have been played... Let us tell our own stories and start our own Black businesses the time is now where Black people will Unite under one slogan says Backward never forward ever....we must unite as black people and create our own Media that talk about Black lives that is victimised by the media we must start our own education system the time has final come for us to free our minds from chain of oppression we must tell our own stories and write our own books.  Support Black businesses isay and let us Unite the time is now Afrika for Afrikans
we have our educated brothers and sisters and this is the time they use education to empower their selves for example.. We need our own websites so IT people are needed.. We need to create our own hospital we need back our educated doctors and traditional healers..ngingabala kshone ilanga..konke ebesfunda ngakho we must use it to our own disadvantage
.and use it against the owner like they did to us when they us our information against us


Rasta is life to me I give thAnkhs and praise fi life and strength

Judgment day is real

We were warned but we chose not to listen we even convince ourselves that judgment day is a lie just like the story of Jesus ...let me explain the end is near and everyone will be judged according to what they have done while they were given a chance...because we all in one mission our mission is to take of the Earth and give thAnkhs and praise to Almighty the Creator but we chose to do otherwise not original way and judgment day is created for disobedience people asè repent now and follow your heart because from your heart you will be judged your heart always told you to do good #UbuntutheAnkh

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ubuntu the Ankh juice

This is Ubuntu the Ankh juice the very same juice that cure cancer and other uncurable diseases

Our children's our future

Ihave strong faith on our youths I believe that they can be the better leaders that our future needs.. So that need me and you to invest on them let us take care of youths let us give them love so that they will grow up knowing love is real ..let groam our Yutes to be best leaders and kings not thugs and Mafias... We must teach our yutes that crime doesn't pay but hard working is.. Let us invest on our Yutes they are our tomorrow leaders if we teach them well they will never forget when they are old we must stop giving them drugs and we must make sure we are interested in whatever they are doing we must support them and make sure that we know what they are doing when they is nobody watching Zulu proverb says ~ingane enhle ekhuliswa umphakathi~ this means my child is yours discipline him as your own..that is the ancient way and better way to create powerfull Black rulers ..Inkunz isematholeni#UbuntutheAnkhfoundation®

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Know your History Black people

How long it gonna take for us Black to realise that we need each other what must be done?
I'm Ras Vusi I'm Dr Ubuntu ihave cure for cancer and TB but many Black people don't trust me because I'm Black they rather die than trusting their own kind.  .that where we went wrong as Black race we don't support each other we rather supporting foreign medicine and foreign aids instead of our own . it time we follow the footsteps of honorable MarcusMosiah Garvey.....Black people know your History #UbuntutheAnkh

please put this on your mind!