Thursday, April 25, 2019

Does these religion's accepted by God Most high?

I've been asking myself this question for so long still now I don't find an answer.... Every time when Black people celebrating this evil day many of them die every time that make me ask my self does God happy about this religions or what ? Because if he is OK about them we won't have this kind of condolences to families that lost their love ones may their souls rest in Zion.... Good people these so called Holy-days(holidays) nothing holy about them and they have nothing to do with us
...Black people don't be misleded by these white people giving you their idea of God... They is never be a Jesus Christ who die for your sins if you want to celebrate something just celebrate Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe,Bantubonke Biko,Solomon Mahlangu,Tsietsi Mashinini,Patrice Lumumba, Feri Lou Hem,Carlotta Lukumi and many others.... Those are the ones who die for Black people they were tourtued,brutalized, homogenized some of them all that happen because they were busy trying to get us better life... But today we celebrating Christmas, Easter, braai day and all kind of non-sense days and forgetting our own important days in History like the day king Cetshwayo defeated whites like the day Emperor Haile Selassie I defeated Italians we need to celebrate the life of Solomon Mahlangu who was hanged at the young age by the father of Tony Leon the founder of DA in south Afrika....
Ma Afrika we need to ask ourselves about these religion's are they accepted by the Most High or it just money making scheme nje nothing more....I think as Black people our God must look exactly like us otherwise we have been played...even if you are a church-goer better know this whenever you pray your God must be like you...because us as Black people we are the first Creation on earth so that means we have a DNA of Creator God..our Ankhsestors of whom we carry their names with us they were gods/goddesses..So if we can start from there...respecting our Ankhsestors than we can be able to rep sect God... We must look God in our own perspective not other way around...we are gods/goddesses since we are created in his own likeliness. #UbuntutheAnkhfoundationman.
this man on the pic is not a son of God but his real name is Cesar Borgia he was a rapist and a murderer.. So evrytime you pray to this man know that you praying to devel and you are shaming your Ankhsestors who were forced to abonden what they know long time ago just to be saved by this Caucasian man

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please put this on your mind!