Thursday, August 20, 2020

Ubuntu Musiq Ambassador

 Ubuntu music is my own genre. Is the genre that established by Mandulo himself, the reason for this music is to emancipate people especially black people who were told self-hatrance...Ubuntu musiq is preaching about self-love,self-dertemined and Unity.

Musiq is not just a thing of fun but a prayer tool..most of musicians they don't sing over the beats but they pray,that is why you need to be careful of the musiq that you listen to. ...some will grow you while other posses you so be very careful... Musiq is what we know best as the children's of Afrika where everything came from including musiq.

But it is very important for us to be very careful about the musiq that we sing because musiq have power to build and to destroy as Mandulo I choose to build/create with my musiq because I don't want to feel guilty when ising evil musiq and next thing people became possessed and do some wicked things that I was singing about..Mandulo is nominated to Mzansi Artist & Media Awards as best upcoming artist to you readers who may like to support Mandulo you can SMS mama 3035 to 40439 you can SMS as many as you want and voting line closed on 29 September..

Please keep it in mind that Mandulo is a doctor of muziq my musiq heal not kill . you can listen by yourself


Ungalinge uzibukele phansi futhi ungalinge uvumele indlela abantu abakbuka ngayo ishintshe ubuwena.

Lawa ngamaZwi kaDr Ubuntu ewakhuluma kimi...abantu bayahluleka ukuzithanda mese ungtshela ke umuntu ongazithandi yena qobo lwakhe angakthanda kanjan wena? Engikfundile kulempilo ukuthi ovane ukwenze lokhu ofuna ukukwenza ungalokhane ubikezela.

We were told to hate ourselves awubuke nje ukuthi abaphathi bezwe abanandaba kanjan. Kunecorona ezweni lokho kwasenza sangena kwi lockdown. ImsebenZi beyivele ingekho coz most yentsha ayisebenza,sekuyilockdown kwaworse..  I China yakha isbhedlela in few weeks emva kokfika kwecorona but eMzansi afrika kwambiwa imgodi yamathuna eyizigidi,sathunyelwa ngamasosha afike ashlalisa ovalweni..namhlanje imndeni emningi ilahlekelwe abathandiweyo bayo ngenxa yalohumeni owabulalisa'bantu bakithi eMerikkana.. 

Ngfuna mfundi wami uze ungadidiswa amazwi abo amnandi bayizinyoka labantu futhi abanandaba namuntu except their greedy bellies...noma bengakhuluma kamnandi kumedia bathembise I Zulu nomhlaba pls keep it in mind ukuthi they don't have best interest in heart... Thy are negative people you don't have to listen to what they say just be yourself  and do you #UbuntuBami #UbuntutheAnkhfoundation #UbuntuMuziq


namhlanje bengfisa skhulume nganansi indaba engiyibona iya idlondlobala impela lena yokuthi abantu bashiye amakhaya wabo bahambe bayozihluph...