Saturday, April 2, 2022

What is destroying us as Hue-man race?

Jealousy is what destroying us it what holding us back we will never succeed as nation as long as we still have jealous for each other... This is what we need to do to succeed we need to appreciate life and whatever life bless us with as long as we alive life alone is a blessing a something we need to cheer for... Even if we have nothing to be thankful for as long as we alive that is our reason to be thankful.. When one of your friends or family or whoever become successful in life never be jealous of him/her be thankful of his success and that must encourage you to be positive and know that if one can do it nothing can stop you from doing it.. It just that every Thing is going according to the plan of time according to the plan of the Most High... All we need to do is to be humble in life and wait for our term while waiting still search for batter entries. What I learn in life is that you block your blessings by manifesting hatrance and anger in you.. Don't focus on others path but yours alone.. Everyone have their own task in life so we need to play our role very carefully because whatever we do today will bare fruit in the future.. So becareful of the seed you plant #UbuntuMusiq This life we need to respect each other regardless of what what we have or don't regardless of our creeds and kultcha we need each other in this life this is what I learn from this life your brother and your sisters are not always your family members sometimes it can be a stranger or someone from your past life that is why it is important to respect everyone coz you never know. Jealousy is a disease that needs to be cured very quickly because it can destroy you if not well treated. So if you not aware this disease will eat you slowly slowly until you die so it better to be thankful in life and appreciate the little that you have.. If you have a chance be thankful for others instead of sending negative energy towards them.. By hurting someone you just hurting your self in future.. So becareful of the things you do because they will come back and bite you

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