Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Cutting of the foreskin
Today I would like us to focus on the topic of cutting foreskin.. Many people do it and many believe it their tradition.. But as people we fail to understand that all these laws were man-made they were written down by some wise people of the Ancient times who claim to receive them from Higher spirit(God).
My question is why God created forskin at the first place if it was meant to be cut off? My good readers I mean no harm but I want to question things that is happening around us before we consider them as valid to be used by us... Researchers has proven that cutting your forskin is shortening your life on earth... You see some of the things in our bodies are there for some valid reasons like our hair.. These kind of wooly hair we have was created to protect us from the Afrikan heat of the Sun... Our hair are able to collect the energy from the Sun and transfare it to the Mind and the body... Our eyelashes we created to protect us from dust since Afrika have lot of dust when it month of July in Zulu language they even call it Ntulikazi... They is nothing that is in our bodies by mistake we must know that and also know they is consequences for abusing your body.
he foreskin
The human foreskin is a contiguous part of the skin system of the clitoris or penis.
In infant males, the foreskin is attached to the head of the penis (glans). The outer foreskin protects the more sensitive inner foreskin and the glans from abrasion and injury.
The moveable skin facilitates sexual pleasure. In fact, the foreskin is typically the most sensitive area of the penis.
When circumcised males lose sensitivity and skin mobility, it’s likely to significantly alter their sexual experience.
One recent Danish cross-sectional study concluded that male circumcision was associated with sexual difficulties for men and their female partners.
Bioethics of a non-treatment surgery on minors
Surgery without consent is ethical only in cases for:
1) incapacitated patients, in order to save their life
2) minors, with proxy consent from a parent or guardian, but only for surgery that addresses an underlying condition.
Excision of an infant’s foreskin for dubious medical or cultural purposes is an anomaly. Because it removes healthy, typically-developed tissue, the procedure fails to meet either of the above conditions.
Circumcision of minors also stands in contradiction to other medical ethics principles, including:
Avoiding causing needless harm
Promoting the patient’s medical well-being
Providing information on a procedure that a reasonable person would deem significant.
Circumcision can cause skin bridges, haemorrhaging, infection, as well as major penile damage.
Dozens of case studies describe severe complications, including penile amputations and death; several infant deaths have been reported in the past few years.
A Canadian Coroner’s report, issued in 2007 following the death of a baby in Ontario, recommended the Canadian Paediatric Society conduct a surveillance study on complications.
The most detailed assessment of circumcision complications cites meatitis (affecting 8% to 31% of those circumcised), infection (affecting between 0.4% and 10%, age varying) and many other severe complications.
A more recent British literature survey estimates complications, including infection and hemorrhage, at rates as high as 10%.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Afrikan Kalendar(calendar)
Our today topic i would like us to focus on the fact that this calendar we are using has nothing to do with us as Afrikans.. Our Kalendar is different from theirs.. Our season's are different from theirs.
Our year in Afrikan Kalendar start on 23rd September when the Sun is returning from Northern hemisphere to Southern hemisphere this means August is the 11th month according to our Kalendar... This means our New year's celebration is on 23 September.. December is a ordinary month like any other months.. Nothing special about December in Afrika except the fact king Nkayishane kaMenzi was born on 25th December the only Sun of king Menzi Xaba who later became the founder of amaHlubi (oHadebe).
I think it is important for us to know our original Kalendar and our original seasons and other things that include or involve us.. I would like to pause here until I see that people are engaging on this topic #UbuntuMusiq #UbuntuBami #Ubuntutheankhfoundation
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Decolonization of the Mind
Today we are talking about a very important topic of decolonization of the Mind... You see to reach that point we must first unlearn everything that we have been told in schools and churches.. First we must decolonize our education system.. Our education system was never meant to empower us but to making us better slaves and it is up to us to break down the chain of mental slavery.. It is up to us to change this brainwash education and replace it with Afrikan spirituality and thoughts..our Yutes they need to be told about us as Afrikans.. It been a long time we were told about slaves as if our history started with slavery.. We need to be told about those slaves who fought back like Carlota Lukumi, like man called Kuta Kinte and many more.. We need to be told about great men's and women's in Afrika before slavery.. People like Queen Nzinga, Queen Modjadji of Balobedu, Queen Mthaniya, King Bhambatha, Mansa Musa the richest king to ever live, Thomas Sankara.. That is the kind of teachings that we need as Afrikans.. We need to know what our Ankhsestors/Ankhsestresess do in past to survive and we must follow on their path.. It is well known fact that reading and writing came from Afrika.. Means Afrikans are the ones bringing civilization to the world... By that saying we need to know and be like them or even greater.. Larger in spirit....
Another issue is religion.. The word religion means to tie something, or twist something in Zulu we call it ukugoqa or ukjija.. So this word is very specific with it meaning and it has nothing to do with us as Afrikans coz for us is spirituality so we must replace religion with spirituality we need to go back to our ancient ways and connect with Most High the same way as our Ankhsestors/Ankhsestress done in past.. Bare in mind that religion is just a money making scheme that is why today in churches they don't worship the Most High Creator but money instead.. Church leaders rape and rob people.. They preach lies so that they can continue sucking dry your pockets when poor remains poor.
This is the reason why we need to Decolonize ourselves.. We have to unlearn everything that we have been told. Let us brainwash ourselves for better this time let's us go back to our original selves let us go back on to what we use to be... Peace, Love and Harmony #UbuntuMusiq #blacklivesmatter #Ubuntutheankhfoundation #UbuntuBami
Friday, August 5, 2022
It is OK that you don't have everything you need everything that you wish... It is real ok that you friends and family turns their back on you when you real need them.. It is OK that people hate you and talking ill about you it real OK and it doesn't matter whatever they say or do.. What matters is that you are still alive that is very important. To be alive gives you another chance to do better.. To prove the point to those who believe you won't make it... But in whatever you do put your self first never mind whatever they say about you. Take what will work in journey and live the rest... Empilweni a kbona bonke abantu ohleka nabo abakfisela Okuhle.. Abanye bazokmangaza wena ubenzela Okuhle bakwenzele okubi bona but kungangphathi kabi lokho this is life and its upside-down.. Khumbula lokhu uma wenza kahle emhlabeni awenzeli abantu kepha uzenzela wena ngalamazwi ngisho ukuthi Unga expect ukwenzelwa Okuhle umuntu oke wamsiza ngoba phela beningadlali istokfela sikamasizana... Futhi Musa ukumkhumbuza umuntu ukuthi wena ngakwenzela ukuthi nokuthi.. Konke esikwenzayo kumele kusuke othandweni.. Kmele sibe nothando sphile ngothando nezinto esizenzayo sizenze ngothando ukuze umhlaba ugcwale uthando kunokuba ugcwale inzondo #UbuntuMusiq
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The Ambassador of Ubuntu musiq pushing his business |
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
The man of the Past
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The Healer from the Past |
Greetings to everyone this is Mandulo the Ambassador of Ubuntu musiq the one person who loves and appreciate everyone even those who are bitter to him... I'm Mandulo the humble servant of the MoThe A
mbassador of Ubuntu musiq
st High.. I've been in this planet for many years now.. I've seen a lot of kingdoms and empire's established isore them torned apart.. I've seen so many battles in my life.. Some senseless wars.. Some for power and greedy... I've been through some places travel alot fight many battles win some and loose some... Mandulo is Ancient... Iwas there long time ago and my journey continues... I even met some people that I use to know in the past they recognize me as their king and leader.. They know me even they are not sure that I am... My time has come for the world to know that I came like I did promise some 2000 years ago... It time for them to step aside of my trodding coz right now I am about to take everything that was meant for me and nobody can stop me now #UbuntuArtwork #Ubuntutheankhfoundation #MANDULOtheAmbassador #UbuntuMusiq
Ubuntu musiq
You see Mandulo is not only focusing on doing musiq but on empowering the minds of the Black Yutes. It was said that we must lead by example and that is exactly what I'm doing... Home schooling is the best and I would encourage other parents to try it... It is very important to invest on our own Yutes by giving them proper education that can help them in the future.. For example you need to teach your children's to plant. They must be told at the very young age that food come from the soil and how does that happen... Our Yutes must be told how to create a business from scratch and how to menange it... Kungumsebenzi wethu lokho ngisho ngabe izingane zethu zifunda kuma public schools let's us be there for them sphinde sqinisekise ukuthi lokhu abakfundiswayo kubalungele yini futhi kuzobasiza ngani #UbuntuMusiq
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Umsuka Ep
This is Mandulo the Ambassador of Ubuntu musiq and Jahson Mchunson performing live inna Luganda... You see we practice what we preach and give thAnkhs And Praise after the mic.. You know Ubuntu musiq is life #UbuntuMusiq
Monday, August 1, 2022
Ubuntu musiq
Ubuntu musiq is every day life... Ubuntu musiq is a healer of a nation remember that truth heals so Ubuntu musiq.. Let's have our UbuntuMusiq on our playlist let's support UbuntuMusiq
The Ambassador of Ubuntu musiq
This is Mandulo the Ambassador of Ubuntu musiq performing at UMlazi U section Howlong park #UbuntuMusiq.. You see when I'm speaking about Ubuntu musiq I'm talking about the medicine for your soul... I'm talking about the lighter of the World.. This is the Reincarnation of great souls like Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Patrice Lumumba and Mangaliso Sobukwe combined... When I'm on the stage you can see the light... Not any other light but King Immanuel Light, His Impurial Majesty Haile Selassie I
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