Monday, November 28, 2022

Ubuntu Artwork

You know Mandulo is the jack of all trade, im the musician, herbalists and blogger at the same time I'm also a
teacher of Art an independent teacher for my own subject or carriculum called Art and Craft.. When I'm talking about Ubuntu Artwork I'm talking about my full time job.. Something that I do for living

Uma uwudinga lomsebenzi you can contact me on my cell phone it 0656724488 you can call or whatsapp me strictly business only.. And again your support will be appreciated
you can even search for me on internet Mandulo IVirgo Ngcobo/lakwaNgcobo is the name you can search

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Depression is real!!

Depression has killed alot of people and it will continue doing so because many people don't believe on its existence uma u tshela abantu ukuthi udepressed bathi uyatetema so that cause people to die inside afraid to speak out.. Afraid because people are being judgemental.. This is what I need to warn you about becareful of the words you utter some words can build someone while the other can destroy.. Ulwimi lufana nothi lukamentshisi luyinto encane ekwazi ukwenza umonakalo omkhulu.. So asiwaqaphele amagama esiwaphimisayo nesiwaqondisa kwabanye sphinde siyiqaphele indlela esphatha ngayo abantu ngoba asibazi ubunzima ababhekene nabo or abadlule kukhona.. Thina okwethu ukfaka I support if kukukhlula lokho just walk away. 
This is what I've learned in this past week's that never judge anyone especially those you never been on their shoes.. Many of you don't know how it feels like to sleep on the empty stomach but they are quickly to judge those who have been there... Some of you don't know how it feels like to have nothing while your neighbors and friends having it all.. Some of you don't know how it feels like to grow up in the family where parents always fighting.. Siphuma ezindaweni ezingafani bafwethu let's us try to be sensitive to each other love and respect each other 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Change is very important

You know it easy to convince people to do wrong than convincing them to see the light they rather fight you or even kill you... Some years ago our fellow Afrikans were taken from Afrika and sold to the place they never dreamed of... You see they first convince our leaders that our people were born to be bound in chain, trained to serve and protect or kill if it necessary.. Mandulo is teaching people the other way but nobody seems to care, nobody listened to what ihave said.. Today our leaders who take oath to protect us they are the ones misleading us, using and abusing us... However we are the people our voice matter.. We must not allow government or anyone who claims to be the leader to rob us our rights to be who we want to be without being told and monitored on how to live your life... You see nothing has change things are still the same maybe it a change of methods but the strategy is still the same.. Those who sit on high chairs are the ones playing our leaders like strings.. Us to them we are just pawn on the chess board.. Take a look at the leadership we have a very old and layz people in government sectors in parliament they are old refuse to retire.. When serious decisions being taken some of these elders were sleeping on the time of work that a signs of being old.. They have no faith in the Youths they say Youths are careless can't lead but my question is why they don't teach them to be the foundation of the future to be the great leaders? Inkinga yabo umona bafuna ukudla bodwa.. I've seen comrades fighting for their leaders who get paid every month for doing nothing while they getting nothing but death for helping them. They use them and dispose them when they are done... Someone like me state love to hate... They kill people like us who make sure that people are becoming aware of what is happening around them.. Take a look on what happens to Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe he was sentenced 28 years for try to libarate Black people for trying to awake them Robert Sobukwe was a South African hero who fought for freedom and libaration but they changed the character when the story was released and they gave us Mandela.. Mandela was their favorite man but not for Black's who suffer alot under apartheid government.. Steven Bantu Biko was murdered even today ababulali bakhe a akaze baboshwe... Steve Biko ubeyilona okhuthaza ukuzithanda kubantu bakithi nokuthi bangazenyezi futhi bangasabi ukukhuluma ngemizwa yakhe.. But in calendar they is not even a single day where this great leader was celebrated but yet we celebrate Mandela birthday, death day, release day... I remember the words of Samora Michelle when he says when you hear white people talking good about me just know that I have betrayed the revolution... So every great man in history books is not great at all.. Great people were among us they live with us but we never appreciate them even when they gone we quickly to forget them but their good deeds live forever.. You know some names are meant to live forever, others are meant to be known and to be forgotten at the same time... This blog yanamhlanje is about change it time we bring power to the people.. Together we can.. Together we undefeated and when we are together nothing is possible even the enemy can't do no harm to us when we are united.. When we allow ourselves to speak about matters that concern us.. Like how some few families end up owning gold mines when the gold belong to us all.. We need to question our leaders whom are claiming to serve us that how can they drive fancy cars eating expensive foods, living lavish life when the people that they are serving are poor.. Having no jobs, living in shacks.. This leaders must be hold accountable for the crimes that is happening because they have the power to stop it but instead they use that power to further corruption.. You might think im messing with you but here is the truth in South Afrika ubugebengu buyathandwa benziwa ama phoyisa, abefundisi, odokotela ngisho uhulumeni imbala.... And bonke abatholakala namacala okukhwabanisa ababoshwa knalokho banikwa izikhundla ezingaphezulu.. Police taking bribe s from criminals.. Lawyers spend years studying on how to manipulate people I use to believe that they are good and bad lawyers but lately I'm not so sure because Senzo Meyiwa was killed and even on this umbulali akakaboshwa so baphi labaMmeli abangachemile? Abakubona kuwumsebenzi wabo ukletha ubulungiswa hhayi ukfumbathiswa kthiwa abavale amehlo entweni engenzeka kunoma ngabe ubani kwabon abameli

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Indians are Afrikan descendants

African-Indians, Indians of African origin. There are at least 20,000 of an African-origin ethnic tribe who have been living in near total obscurity in India for centuries. Descendants of Bantu people of East Africa, Siddi ancestors were largely brought to India by Arabs as early as the 7th Century, followed by the Portuguese and the British later on. Others were free people who came to India as merchants, sailors and mercenaries before the Portuguese slave trade went into overdrive. When slavery was abolished in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Siddis fled into the country’s thick jungles, fearing recapture and torture. These African first settlers in India were originally known as Habshis, which is Persian for Abyssinian (the former name of Ethiopia was Abyssinia). But those who rose through the ranks of royal retinue were honoured with the title Siddi, a possible etymon from the Arabic word for master, sayed/sayyid. It is not entirely clear when the use of the term Habshi declined and Siddi replaced it, but today, Siddi describes all people of African descent in India. Culled from the BBC 2016 documentary," India’s forgotten African tribe"

please put this on your mind!