Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Life today

Today is not like other days.. These days are complicated our generation are generation of fools.. People who don't care about others even about themselves.. Kuyadlwengulwana.. Omama badlwengula izingane badlwengula amadoda.. Amadoda adlwengula izingane adlwengule izinja nezimbuzi.. Our tomorrow leaders indlela abaphuza ngayo baphuza ngathi they will be no tomorrow.. Izidakamizwa ezintsha zibuzwa kubona.. Angsayiphathi eyamantombazane abantu abazoba omama besizwe balala kbona utshwala.. Intombazane iyakwazi ukuhamba iye otshwaleni ingenamali ithi izophuza ngekhofonoza yayo... Inkinga esbhekene nayo siyisizwe igeneration yabantu besfazane abazi ukuthi othandweni kmele bacontributer ngemzimba yabo I generation ebusy ngestone nesinemfu ngoba kuzanywa ukuthi kubanjwe amadoda.. Abazali bayaqhulula.. Angigxeki bona kphela kodwa nabafana bakhona othi mawubheka kahle ubone ukuthi sisazoba nenkinga la emnyakeni ezayo uma abantu abadala sekuyithina.. Mina ngiktshela ngentsha yanamhlanje engazi lutho ngosiko lomuntu omnyama abanye abazi ngisho izthakazelo zabo abazi lutho ngomlando wabo...labantu basazokhula babe obaba ksasa yini abazoyifundisa ingane zabo uma behluleka ukfunda manje... Nami angikho perfect coz nginezingane ezimbili ekunzima kmina ukuthi ngizondle ngenxa yokungasebenzi and kuyaye kungphathe kabi ukbona umjita osebenza kahle kodwa ehluleka ukondla ingane yakhe lowo usakhela igama elibi kugcine sekthiwa amadoda izinja. Abantu bayabulalana bayamonelana sphila eskhathini lapho abantu ihlazo bengalisabi ihlazo seliphenduke imfashini.. Namhlanje ukthandana kwabobulili obufanayo buyinto esinormal uma ukugxeka uthola ukgxekwa kunzima kthiwa uvela phi wena ngaleskhathi usagxeka izitabane.. Ukukchazela kancane nje ngestabane igama elithathwe kwelithi Easter bunny.. Easter bunny islwane esingaqondakali nje ngabo labantu abaphila lohlobo lwempilo.. Bunny ayizaleli amaqanda njengoba sino kbona kwi Easter bunny.. Lento iyi confusion.. Inkolo imangxubevange awusaqondi okuyibona abakhuluma iqiniso wonke umuntu uthi lapho ekhona kuncono uthi mawuthi uyabheka zyafana zonke.. Sekvane kwanda izangoma nazo othi mawuthi uyabheka ayikho into etheni ngazo ngoba abantu basagula still.. Izifo zisafika bengazibonanga zibaqede abantu bengazinqobanga... I most yalezangoma azilaphi Abagulayo kepha zisiza abantu abanezinhloso ezimbi njengabantu abafuna ukuthakatha abanye abantu.. Abantu abafuna ukbhidliza imshado yabantu kanjalo nokhlukanisa imndeni. Namhlanje ukthwala sekuyifashion ngisho abafundisi bathwele izangoma zithwele... Most yabalaphi abasalaphi sebeyathwebula.. Manje sikeskhathini esimbi abantu sebenolunye ulwazi lwamakhambi angalungile ngokukhulu ukungazi bayawasebenzisa kanjalo nemlingo and lemlingo abayenzayo abanalo ulwazi olujulile ngayo.. Nakhu ke okbalulekile ekmele sonke sikwazi ukuthi every action taken inomvuzo ekgcineni #UbuntuBami

Please support my business

Greetings my fellow readers today I would like to talk to you especially Afrikan rappers to be specific.. My brothers and sisters these big companies use you and when they are done using you they despose you.. Today I like to warn you that these people they are only care about what you can do for them they don't care about you at all.. Today I want to ask you to buy my jewelry instead of those fake chains that you are wearing.. They sell you fake chains of diamonds and gold when the real diamond and gold was owned by few.. Elami lithi eskhundleni sokuthi nizenze inhlekisa emhlabeni saphothani uMandulo ngokuthi nithenge imgexo yakhe namabhengela ngoba uzoba nebhadi ngelinye ilanga sathi uyaphapha phambi kwabantu kvane kqhamuke ingane yebhixixi nediamond tester bathi bayalitesta ichain lakho lingasabeli bese uthola udumo olungahlelekile.. Unlike imgexo yami yona I original futhi iyakveza ukuthi wena ungumAfrika unlike those fake chains who make you look like American rappers who also said to be wearing fake chains and watches.. Instead of supporting the system that don't support us please support my business.
These necklaces were made by my own hands and your support would mean so much to me instead of wasting your money buying fake chains come to me my product are not expensive but they are spiritual please support umphanto wami... I know omunye uzothi why I badmouth other companies that supplying these chains it because these companies are not Black owned knalokho they were owned by people who want to see us fail in life #UbuntuBami

please put this on your mind!