Thursday, August 20, 2020

Ubuntu Musiq Ambassador

 Ubuntu music is my own genre. Is the genre that established by Mandulo himself, the reason for this music is to emancipate people especially black people who were told self-hatrance...Ubuntu musiq is preaching about self-love,self-dertemined and Unity.

Musiq is not just a thing of fun but a prayer tool..most of musicians they don't sing over the beats but they pray,that is why you need to be careful of the musiq that you listen to. ...some will grow you while other posses you so be very careful... Musiq is what we know best as the children's of Afrika where everything came from including musiq.

But it is very important for us to be very careful about the musiq that we sing because musiq have power to build and to destroy as Mandulo I choose to build/create with my musiq because I don't want to feel guilty when ising evil musiq and next thing people became possessed and do some wicked things that I was singing about..Mandulo is nominated to Mzansi Artist & Media Awards as best upcoming artist to you readers who may like to support Mandulo you can SMS mama 3035 to 40439 you can SMS as many as you want and voting line closed on 29 September..

Please keep it in mind that Mandulo is a doctor of muziq my musiq heal not kill . you can listen by yourself


Ungalinge uzibukele phansi futhi ungalinge uvumele indlela abantu abakbuka ngayo ishintshe ubuwena.

Lawa ngamaZwi kaDr Ubuntu ewakhuluma kimi...abantu bayahluleka ukuzithanda mese ungtshela ke umuntu ongazithandi yena qobo lwakhe angakthanda kanjan wena? Engikfundile kulempilo ukuthi ovane ukwenze lokhu ofuna ukukwenza ungalokhane ubikezela.

We were told to hate ourselves awubuke nje ukuthi abaphathi bezwe abanandaba kanjan. Kunecorona ezweni lokho kwasenza sangena kwi lockdown. ImsebenZi beyivele ingekho coz most yentsha ayisebenza,sekuyilockdown kwaworse..  I China yakha isbhedlela in few weeks emva kokfika kwecorona but eMzansi afrika kwambiwa imgodi yamathuna eyizigidi,sathunyelwa ngamasosha afike ashlalisa ovalweni..namhlanje imndeni emningi ilahlekelwe abathandiweyo bayo ngenxa yalohumeni owabulalisa'bantu bakithi eMerikkana.. 

Ngfuna mfundi wami uze ungadidiswa amazwi abo amnandi bayizinyoka labantu futhi abanandaba namuntu except their greedy bellies...noma bengakhuluma kamnandi kumedia bathembise I Zulu nomhlaba pls keep it in mind ukuthi they don't have best interest in heart... Thy are negative people you don't have to listen to what they say just be yourself  and do you #UbuntuBami #UbuntutheAnkhfoundation #UbuntuMuziq

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Umphefumulo ophefumulwa umuntu, umphefumulo ophefumulwa islwane,umoya ophefumulwa izihlahla uyafana...yini kambe eyenza ukphila kube nempilo? Uma kungawona umoya lona esithi umphefumulo...
Umoya akekho okwazi ukuwuhlukanisa ukuth lo umoya nje onormal okanye lona umoya ovela kumuntu ogulayo..akekho umuntu ongakwazi ukhlukanisa umoya ukuth lo uvela eKemet or lo uvela eChina..akekho futhi ongakwazi ukhlukanisa umoya ukuth lona owayizolo kanti lona owenkulungwane yemnyaka...kafushane umoya uyafana and umoya uwodwa.

Umoya owawuphefumulwa amaThongo akithi koMapholoba ngiphefumula wona nami...cabanga ke ngoba kulomoya kukhona ukphila..umoya awufi..kshuthi okhokho bami bayaphila as long ngisaphefumula lomoya ababewuphefumula sindawonye nabo as long ngisawuNgcobo isbongo sami okhokho bami baphila kmina..imina ophethe novikele isthunzi sabo..

Islwane sinegazi njengawe sinamehlo njengawe sizwela ubhlungu njengawe.. Awuboni ukuth uma uqhubeka uzbulala lezilwane uzogcina usuzibulala wena uqobo ngoba wena nalezilwane nihlobene ngegazi lo moya ungalenzi iphutha uwuthathe kancane uMoya uyaphila futhi uMoya ungukuphila #UbuntutheAnkhfoundation

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Kuningi okwenzekile empilweni yami kuleskhathi esdlulile but I'm thankfully that I'm still alive and I'm rising up like the album that I will realise by month end....ngihlukane nomuntu ebengimthanda ngenhliziyo yonke yami nakhona nghlukana naye coz bese ngimbona ukuth inhliziyo yakhe isithanda omunye umuntu nempela I was right coz emva kwamasonto ambalwa shlukene wabe esethandana ngoksemthethweni nalelishende lakhe ...but lokho kungfundise ukuth kulempilo ngingathembi noyedwa umuntu coz umuntu uyajika..sekukningi nje ngibala imsebenzi engyenzile jike ngingaholelwa ....kukhona konke ngthathe isinqumo sokukhohlwa ikona konke osekwenzekile ngbhekane nokwakha iksasa lami... Now I know my mission on this world was to build or create that why ekhaya bangiqamba ngokuthi uVusumuzi it was a prophecy ..inow realise that I'm here to play my part and rock my role and live.  My album will be out end of this month it called Rising Up my stage name is Mandulo (Ancient) you can also find my music on reverberation or  or audiomack just search Mandulo.

Ayikho into ehlula ukzehlisa emhlaben ube islima ngamabomu especially uma uyazi inyathuko yakho ukuth ibheke kuph coz kunezinto ezifika zizinhle empilweni yakho kanti zizoyicekela phansi impilo yakho kube khona lezi ezifika kabhlungu empilwen yakho yona zizoyiqinisa impilo yakho... Nakhu okbalulekile kwaMpilo ngokphilwa ukthatha isfundo kukhona konke okwenzeksyo kuyo,ngokwenza kwakho kanjalo kuningi ongakfunda...uthi uWiseman uma ukhuluma usuke uphinda into oyaziyo already kodwa uma uthule kuningi okfundayo..

Okunye engizifundise kona ukungambukeli phansi omunye umuntu ngoba iksasa alaziwa,lomuntu ongelutho kuwena namhlanje mhlawumbe ksasa uzobe udinga ukukhothama kuyenA ukuze uphumelele ...ngizitshelile ukuth omunye umuntu ngizomhlonipha njengalokhu nghlonipha uMdali wakhe ....impilo ingfundise ukbekezela impela kuyiqiniso uma kungakbulalanga kyakwakha #UbuntutheAnkhFoundation #UbuntuMusiq


Let us talk about Corona virus.

Why Chinese decide to create disease that will kill everyone including them? This is simple you know Chinese cutting tie from America so America get angry so they so they decide to create deadly virus and say it come from China so that everyone gonna hate Chinese people. ..this remind me of what happen in Libya Mummar Gaddafi was having a plan of empowering Afrika instead of getting support he was killed. .Americans always after something... All these wars,all this diseases they were all created by amerikans and other nations that are fighting against humanity... Today you go to clinic not to check weather you are infected or not but you go there just to get corona..look corona was created same way as they created HIV and AIDS... If you think I'm lying where did HIV and AIDS came from? Where did cancer and Ebola came from? They creating all these diseases to depopulate the world which is populated by Black people... #UbuntutheAnkhFoundation.....we need to unite as the nation that all it takes because the house that fight against each other won't stand...these people they don't love us that we must put it in our heads.
Kubhlungu kuyadabukisa ukbona uhulumen owakhethwa abantu benethemba lokuthi uzoletha ushintsho ezimpilwen zabo ehlangana nabantu abangasfuni as abantu abamnyama...ngyazi uzothi kanjan ngoba ibulala wonke umuntu but ngicela ubuke abantu abazokhahlamezeka kakhulu ithina bodarky...abantu abangenayo imali yokthenga ukudla okwanele I thina bodarky and thina bodarky eMzansi sinobudlelwano neChina lena engafunwa I America... Brothers and Sisters our government never love us..yes I know he is a puppet but since he is the one they use I hold him responsible for this plus at merikkana kwashona inqwaba yabantu emva komyalelo awukhipha...bangaki abazoshona manje emva komyalelo awukhiphile wokuthi sishaywe..apartheid iyabuya ihope niyabona...mhlawumbe nami kungekdala ngzoboshwa or ngbulawe because I exposing lies by all means... Nize ningsize bafundi bami ningayeki ukfuna ukwazi iqiniso ukuze niphila ngoba iqiniso liyaphilisa...ningaksabi ukufa kyobe kungaqali ngani futhi kungagcini ngani...uMdali weZulu noMhlaba uyena kphela okmele love Afrika

They created diseases just to control the population to control the way we think and live.. Mabefuna ukunyusa amaprice okudla ezitolo bavala amanzi bathi aphelile bathi idamu lishile emva kwalokho bathi ukudla kunyukile ngenxa yesomiso esingekho isomiso esakhiwe ibona.. Bakhuluma ngezifo bajike bathi sebenalo nekhambi leso esenziwe ibona emva kwalokho bafuna imali yokuthi baklaphe ekuguleni okfakwe ibona do you think that fair.. Iyona freedom that we fought for.. Look we need to question the life we live.


namhlanje bengfisa skhulume nganansi indaba engiyibona iya idlondlobala impela lena yokuthi abantu bashiye amakhaya wabo bahambe bayozihluph...