Saturday, December 31, 2022

Izinkinga ezincane zdala umonakalo omkhulu!

Njengothi lukamentshisi luyinto encane kabi kodwa ingalishisa lonke ihlathi nje ngolwimi nalo luyisitho esincane emzimbeni esinamandla ayismanga angakwazi ukbulala izwe lonke kuchitheke igazi elimsulwa ngalo belu ulwimi.
Ngalenkulumo yami ngfuna siqaphele kakhulu lezi zinto thina esiyaye sizithathe ngokuthi zincane.. Kungenzeka ukuthi zincane kodwa uma zenziwa ngokphindelela zigcine zingasekho ncane... Namhlanje isizwe sethu sisenkingeni ngenxa yezinto ezinokushiwo sakdlala kanti zifike zithole indawo kulabo ezishiwo kubo ngokomzekelo lesisho esithi indoda ayikhali.. Impela skhule sisizwa lesosisho futhi sikholelwa kusona but akukaze kufike kthina ukuthi sizibuze ukuthi indoda uma kthiwa ayikhali yenzani eskhundleni sokukhala.. Nokuthi futhi indoda yona kanti ayiyena yini yona umuntu? Ubani owathi indoda ubhlungu ayibuzwa yona?

Yabona ke izinkulumo ezinjengalezi ezenza amadoda akhalele ngaphakathi and lokho kukhalela kwawo ngaphakathi kwakha inzondo ekuthi ngelinye ilanga indoda icasukile kuvane kphume bonke lobuhlungu ehlezi ibugodlile enhliziyweni yayo ibukhiphele kulowo osuke eyicasulile ngalesoskhathi.. Akekho ke ongasho ukuthi umuntu ocasukile kmele acasuke kanjan ngoba umuntu nomuntu uzazi yena... Mhlawumbe uma izinkulumo ezifana nalezi zingagwenywa indoda ingenziwa umuntu omubi ngokukhala uma kfanele ikhale..
Enye into futhi sidinga amaclass lapho kuzobe kufundiswa umfana ukuthi kuyini ukuba indoda ngoba eqinisweni siyisizwe sidungaza ebumnyameni.. Labantu abathi bangamadoda uma uthi ubuka izenzo zabo uyabona ukuthi basengabafanyana and futhi bazozala izingane ezifana nabo since bona I direction bengazange babe nayo kunzima ukunikeza abeza emva kwabo I direction kwAyibona besayidinga.
Ayikho into embi nebhlungu eSouth Afrika njengokubona kwanda omama abazikhulisela izingane zabo ngabodwa kwesinye iskhathi lona ozalisile ugcwele izinkalo akazi nokuthi umntwana amlethile emhlabeni ulala edleni.. Ngibhlungu ngaloludaba ngoba nami ngyafana nabo labo baba ekthiwa izahluleki since ngingakwazi ukusaphotha abantwana bami but isizathu sami ukuthi a ngisebenzi otherwise bebengeke baswele indlela ikhona.. Lento ibhlungu yenza ukuthi izingane zikhule nenzondo zikhule zimzonda umuntu weslisa ngoba engabanga I sbonelo esihle ezimpelweni zomabazo.. Ngyafisa sengathi siyisizwe esimnyama singake sizame ukuwuyeka lomkhuba wokjaha ukuba nabantwana izinto zingakahlangani ngoba ingane iyizindleko futhi engathi ingane ingatholakala emshadweni lokho kuwukugwema izinkinga eziningi ezingase zivelele umntwana... Iningi lethu kunzima ukphumelela ngoba sizalelwe emakhaya sangenzelwa futhi nezimbeleko mhlawumbe obaba bethu abahlawulanga manje lento ihamba ibe Inkinga phezu kwempilo yengane uma sekfanele iganwe... Ngyavuma ucansi olungaphephile lumnandi kodwa ngicela sicabangele lengane engenasono ezolethwa la emhlabeni ukuthi izohlupheka.. Ngyazicelela bafwethu ukuthi sikuzame ukwandisa labantu abagcwele uLaka nenzondo. 

Ubuntu musiq zonke izinsuku

Ubuntu musiq zonke izinsuku I mean every day.. This is my slogan for this genre that is appreciated far from home.. You see Ubuntu musiq in America they love it and appreciate it they even sent me emails thanking me for making good musiq..
This get me to the point where I get to realize that I'm in need of a sponsor for my musiq to be well published.
I'm the independent Artist I write musiq about things that is happening around me or around the world.. I wrote songs that speaks the only language that heart is able to understand no matter what language you are speaking.. I need a sponsor that can help this independent artist to be able to get his works all over and make it it takes money to make money and I'm in need of someone who is willing to help me fulfill my duties of spreading the positive message all over the world.
  this is a proof here that if I'm not cormicial but my musiq is out there and lot of people knows about it and they love it... So why would you doubt investing your money to Mandulo if you are somebody who likes to see people succeed.. My success is based on your support.. You can buy my musiq straight to me I can sent it to you via email or whatsapp and can pay me via cashapp.. That support is also needed please support my musiq business bafwethu 

Have you heard of the wise king Crowfoot?

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Afrika use to be great

"AFRIKA was doing well on her strides,  long before the first European stepped foot on her soil...." 
 Northern Afrikan civilizations and Kingdoms that connected Afrika(through a 16-mile land bridge) to the continent across the sea, had seen the invasion of Afrikan lands for thousands of years by foreign groups like the Assyrians, Hittites, Greeks, Romans and so on, but for the Soudan(west Africa) and the rest of Afria(upper and lower Ethiopia ), it began in the 15th century CE.

  Afrika a had a society where there was no word for a jail, orphanage, a brothel or old people's home... Afrika knew none of that, yet, anthropological researches indicates that there was law and order, engendered by culture, traditions, 'social living' and Afrikan spirituality; the elements of which later went into the conception of Judaism, Christianity(and Christendom) as well as islamism. "...The society took care of its own" - Prof.  John Henrik Clarke.


Have you heard of the wise king Crowfoot?

"Crowfoot stood and watched as the white man spread many one dollar bills on the ground.
“This is what the white man trades with; this is his buffalo robe. Just as you trade skins, we trade with these pieces of paper.”
When the white chief had laid all his money on the ground and shown how much he would give if the Indians would sign a treaty, Crowfoot took a handful of clay, made a ball out of it and put it on the fire.
It did not crack.
Then he said to the white man, Now put your money on the fire and see if it will last as long as the clay.
The white man said, No….my money will burn because it is made of paper.
With an amused gleam in his eyes the old chief said, Oh, your money is not as good as our land, is it?
The wind will blow it away; the fire will burn it; water will rot it. But nothing will destroy our land.
You don’t make a very good trade.
Then with a smile, Crowfoot picked up a handful of sand from the river bank, handed it to the white man and said, You count the grains of sand in that while I count the money you give for the land.
The white man said, I would not live long enough to count this, but you can count the money in a few minutes.
Very well, said the wise Crowfoot, our land is more valuable than your money. It will last forever.
It will not perish as long as the sun shines and the water flows, and through all the years it will give life to men and animals, and therefore we cannot sell the land.
It was put there by the Great Spirit and we cannot sell it because it does not really belong to us.
You can count your money and burn it with a nod of a buffalo’s head, but only the Great Spirit can count the grains of sand and the blades of grass on these plains.
As a present we will give you anything you can take with you, but we cannot give you the land.”
Chief Crowfoot : Blackfoot Confederacy

Meet Valarie Thomas

Valerie Thomas, in full Valerie LaVerne Thomas, (born February 8, 1943, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.), American scientist and inventor who, while working at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), invented a way to transmit three-dimensional images, or holograms, that appear to be real. In addition, she helped to develop processing software to convert scientific data captured by satellites into information that scientists could use.

From an early age, Thomas was interested in electronics, mathematics, and physics despite the fact that girls were not encouraged to study those subjects. Moreover, because she was an African American in a racially segregated society, she had fewer educational opportunities than white students. Nevertheless, she was academically successful in high school and attended Morgan State College (now Morgan State University), a historically Black college. In 1964 she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in physics.

Thomas subsequently began working as a data analyst at NASA. One of her early roles was analyzing data from the Orbiting Geophysical Observatory, a series of scientific satellites that the United States launched in the 1960s. In the 1970s Thomas helped to develop the image-processing system for NASA’s Landsat, a program involving uncrewed scientific satellites designed to collect information about Earth’s natural resources. The satellites carried various types of cameras, including those with infrared sensors. Thomas served as leader of the Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment, a program that researched and developed ways to monitor wheat yields around the world by using Landsat images.

In 1976 Thomas became intrigued by 3D illusions after viewing a demonstration in which a light bulb seemed to stay lit even after being removed from a lamp. The illusion was created by means of a concave mirror reflecting a second light bulb. Thomas began experimenting, and she soon invented the illusion transmitter, for which she received a patent in 1980. The transmission system uses a video recorder to take a picture of a floating image in front of a concave mirror. The video image is sent to a second camera, which projects the image in front of a second concave mirror. This process creates the optical illusion of a 3D image. NASA subsequently used the technology in some of its satellite applications.

Thomas continued to work at NASA throughout the 1980s. In 1985 she earned a master’s degree in engineering administration from George Washington University. That same year she served as the computer facility manager for NASA’s National Space Science Data Center. In 1986 she became project manager of the agency’s Space Physics Analysis Network, which was created to help scientists share data and collaborate on space-related topics. Before retiring from NASA in 1995, Thomas held the position of associate chief of the Space Science Data Operations Office.

In 2004 Thomas received a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Delaware. Throughout her life she encouraged young people, especially African Americans and girls, to pursue a science education. She was active in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) organizations such as Women in Science and Engineering and Shades of Blue, which focuses on aviation and aerospace. Thomas also worked as a substitute teacher.

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If you are reading this blog you will find the truth that NASA did use some illusion transmitter in some of their projects so the question is which are those projects? Maybe the one that were given to us long ago that they went to the Moon and even take pictures. 
So this tricksters if they lie about something like this what else they are lying about? 
I remember when I grow up we were use to be told that our people were nothing until white men came and civilize us but this was well known lies because Blacks were the founder's of the first civilization on planet proof is on historical books and ancient places... When you take a look around you what you see is what was created by our Ankhsestors 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

meet Ernest Everett

Born in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1883, Ernest Everett Just was only four years old when his father and grandfather passed away, making his mother financially responsible for Ernest and two younger siblings. His mother, who also experienced the loss of her two eldest children from disease only a couple of years prior to losing her husband, supported the family by teaching during the school year and working in phosphate mines during summertime. And it was also during these years that she dedicated much time to teaching Ernest, as an illness left him needing to relearn reading and writing. 

At the start of his teens, his mother enrolled him in school in hopes he would become a teacher. Starting first at a school in South Carolina, his mother then sent him to Kimball Union Academy college prep school in New Hampshire, believing schools in the North could provide her son with a better education. Soon after, on a trip home, Ernest learned his mother had passed away just an hour before his arrival. He returned to school and, through his sorrow, earned top grades in his class while graduating in only three years instead of the typical four. 

In 1903, Ernest began the undergraduate program at Dartmouth. He struggled in his coursework at first. But with time, his grades improved, and he discovered a passion for biology. Ernest graduated from Dartmouth as the only Magna Cum Laude recipient of his class and the Valedictorian. However, the tradition of a Valedictorian speech was not honored because of his race.

After Dartmouth, Ernest took a teaching position at Howard University. He then earned a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. But unable to secure a teaching position from a major university in the U.S., Ernest moved to Europe. Taking a role at a lab in Naples, Italy, Ernest thrived. He appreciated the way research was being conducted, how researchers treated one another, the time they spent together.

Throughout his career, Earnest would make significant contributions to biological research. He was respected worldwide, known for his brilliance in designing experiments, authoring zoology books, and publishing numerous papers. 
He passed away from pancreatic cancer at 58 in 1941. 

Sources: “E.E. Just: Scientific Pioneer, Member of the Class of 1907”, published February 12th, 2021 – The Call to Lead, A campaign for Dartmouth / “The Greatest Problem in American Biology” by Shelby Grantham – Dartmouth Alumni Magazine Profile, 1983 / Ernest Everett Just – The University of Chicago Library / National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, NPG.96.89

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25 December?

Why are so many ancient Gods born on December 25th?

An Ethiopian-Sudanese God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 3,000 YEARS before Jesus.

A Nepal God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 563 YEARS before Jesus.

An Iranian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 1,000 YEARS before Jesus.

A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 800 YEARS before Jesus.

A Persian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin- 600 YEARS before Jesus.

A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 500 YEARS before Jesus.

A Babylonian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 400 YEARS before Jesus.

A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.

A Phoenician God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.

A Roman God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 1-30 AD.

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source: African History

#blackhistory  #knowthyself  #BlackHistoryMatters  #blackhistory365

This is what you need to teach your son


1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.
2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs.
3. The man of the house is the closest thing to a king.
4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
5. Request the late check-out.
6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.
8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.
9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…
10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.
11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.
12. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.
13. Carry two handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her.
14. You marry the girl, you marry her family.
15. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.
16. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.
17. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room.
18. Never turn down a breath mint.
19. A sport coat is worth 1000 words.
20. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.
21. Thank a freedom fighter. Then make it up to him.
22. Eat lunch with the new kid.
23. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.
24. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.
25. Manners maketh the man.
26. Give credit. Take the blame.
27. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.
28. Write down your dreams.
29. Take time to snuggle your children, they love you so much and are always happy to see you. 
30. Be confident and humble at the same time.
31. If ever in doubt, remember whose son you are and REFUSE to just be ordinary!
32. In all things lead by example not explanation.
33. Dress how you want to be addressed

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Quanah Parker

Picture of Quanah Parker and two of his wives, Topay and Chonie.
Quanah Parker was the last Chief of the Commanches and never lost a battle to the white man. His tribe roamed over the area where Pampas stands. He was never captured by the Army, but decided to surrender and lead his tribe into the white man's culture, only when he saw that there was no alternative.
His was the last tribe in the Staked Plains to come into the reservation system.
Quanah, meaning "fragrant," was born about 1850, son of Comanche Chief Peta Nocona and Cynthia Ann Parker, a white girl taken captive during the 1836 raid on Parker's Fort, Texas. Cynthia Ann Parker was recaptured, along with her daughter, during an 1860 raid on the Pease River in northwest Texas. She had spent 24 years among the Comanche, however, and thus never readjusted to living with the whites again.
She died in Anderson County, Texas, in 1864 shortly after the death of her daughter, Prairie Flower. Ironically, Cynthia Ann's son would adjust remarkably well to living among the white men. But first he would lead a bloody war against them.
Quanah and the Quahada Comanche, of whom his father, Peta Nocona had been chief, refused to accept the provisions of the 1867 Treaty of Medicine Lodge, which confined the southern Plains Indians to a reservation, promising to clothe the Indians and turn them into farmers in imitation of the white settlers.
Knowing of past lies and deceptive treaties of the "White man", Quanah decided to remain on the warpath, raiding in Texas and Mexico and out maneuvering Army Colonel Ronald S. Mackenzie and others. He was almost killed during the attack on buffalo hunters at Adobe Walls in the Texas Panhandle in 1874. The U.S. Army was relentless in its Red River campaign of 1874-75. Quanah's allies, the Quahada were weary and starving.
Mackenzie sent Jacob J. Sturm, a physician and post interpreter, to solicit the Quahada's surrender. Sturm found Quanah, whom he called "a young man of much influence with his people," and pleaded his case. Quanah rode to a mesa, where he saw a wolf come toward him, howl and trot away to the northeast. Overhead, an eagle "glided lazily and then whipped his wings in the direction of Fort Sill," in the words of Jacob Sturm. This was a sign, Quanah thought, and on June 2, 1875, he and his band surrendered at Fort Sill in present-day Oklahoma.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Meet Chancellor James Williams

Chancellor James Williams was an Afrikan sociologist, historian and writer. He was the author of one of the most important books of the twentieth century, "The Destruction of Black Civilization" (1976).

Early life

Williams was born in Bennettsville, South Carolina, on December 22, 1893 as the last of five children; his father was formerly enslaved, while his mother was a cook, nurse, and evangelist. His innate curiosity concerning the realities of racial inequality and cultural struggles, particularly those which involved African Americans, began as early as his fifth-grade year. Years later, he was quoted in an early interview as saying: "I was very sensitive about the position of Black people in the town... I wanted to know how you explain this great difference. How is it that we were in such low circumstances as compared to the whites? And when they answered 'slavery' as the explanation, then I wanted to know where we came from."

He moved with his family to Washington, DC in the early 20th century. His first wife, Dorothy Ann Williams, died in 1925, leaving him a widower with five children.


Williams earned an undergraduate degree in Education in 1930 followed by a Master of Arts degree in History in 1935, both from Howard University. After completing a doctoral dissertation on the socioeconomic significance of the storefront church movement in the United States since 1920, he was awarded a Ph.D. in history and sociology by American University in 1949.

Williams began his studies abroad as a visiting professor to the universities of Oxford and London in England, UK in 1953 and 1954. In 1956, he did field research in African history at Ghana's University College. At that time, his main focus was on African achievements and self-ruling civilizations which existed long before the coming of the Europeans or Asians. His last study, completed in 1964, covered 26 countries and more than 100 language groupings.


In 1935 Williams took the post of Administrative Principal for the Cheltenham School for Boys in Maryland. Four years later he became a teacher in the Washington, DC public schools. He entered the employment of the U.S. Federal Government in 1941, filling a variety of positions such as section chief of Census Bureau, statistician for War Relocation Board, an economist in Office of Price Administration. In 1946 he returned to his alma mater as a social science instructor until 1952. It was then that he transferred to the history department, where he remained until he retired in 1966.

"The Destruction of Black Civilization"

In 1971, Williams sent his magnum opus The Destruction of Black Civilization to Kendall Hunt, a white-owned publishing company, for publication and distribution. The following year, the book received an award from the Black Academy of Letters and Arts. Encouraged by the award, Williams worked for years to expand and revise the book before publishing a second edition. Feeling more comfortable with a Black-owned firm as his publisher, he sent the second version to Chicago's noted Third World Press.

When published in 1987, the second edition of the book received wide critical acclaim from the Afrikan community. In 1979, the 21st Century Foundation honored Chancellor Williams with its first Clarence L. Holte International Biennial Prize.

The Destruction of Black Civilization took Chancellor Williams sixteen years of research and field study to compile. The book, which was to serve as a reinterpretation of the history of the African race, was intended to be "a general rebellion against the subtle message from even the most 'liberal' white authors (and their Negro disciples): 'You belong to a race of nobodies. You have no worthwhile history to point to with pride.'" The book was written at a time when many black students, educators, and scholars were starting to piece together the connection between the way their history was taught and the way they were perceived by others and by themselves. 

They began to question assumptions made about their history and took it upon themselves to create a new body of historical research. The book is premised on the question: "If the Blacks were among the very first builders of civilization and their land the birthplace of civilization, what has happened to them that has left them since then, at the bottom of world society, precisely what happened? The Caucasian answer is simple and well-known: The Blacks have always been at the bottom." Williams instead contends that many elements—nature, imperialism, and stolen legacies— have aided in the destruction of the black civilization. 

The Destruction of Black Civilization is revelatory and revolutionary because it offers a new approach to the research, teaching, and study of African history by shifting the main focus from the history of Arabs and Europeans in Africa to the Africans themselves, offering instead "a history of blacks that is a history of blacks. Because only from history can we learn what our strengths were and, especially, in what particular aspect we are weak and vulnerable. Our history can then become at once the foundation and guiding light for united efforts in serious[ly] planning what we should be about now." It was part of the evolution of the black revolution that took place in the 1970s, as the focus shifted from politics to matters of the mind.


Dr. Williams died of respiratory failure on December 7, 1992 at Providence Hospital in Washington, D.C.. He had been a resident of the Washington Center for Aging Services for several years. He was survived by his wife of 65 years, Mattie Williams of Washington, and 14 children; 36 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren.#UbuntuBami 

Meet mama Mary

She drank whiskey, swore often, and smoked handmade cigars. She wore pants under her skirt and a gun under her apron. At six feet tall and two hundred pounds, Mary Fields was an intimidating woman.

Mary lived in Montana, in a town called Cascade. She was a special member of the community there. All schools would close on her birthday, and though women were not allowed entry into saloons, she was given special permission by the mayor to come in anytime and to any saloon she liked.

But Mary wasn’t from Montana. She was born into enslavement in Tennessee sometime in the early 1830s, and lived enslaved for more than thirty years until slavery was abolished. As a free woman, life led her first to Florida to work for a family and then Ohio when part of the family moved.

When Mary was 52, her close friend who lived in Montana became ill with pneumonia. Upon hearing the news, Mary dropped everything and came to nurse her friend back to health. Her friend soon recovered and Mary decided to stay in Montana settling in Cascade.

Her beginning in Cascade wasn’t smooth. To make ends meet, she first tried her hand at the restaurant business. She opened a restaurant, but she wasn’t much of a chef. And she was also too generous, never refusing to serve a customer who couldn’t pay. So the restaurant failed within a year.

But then in 1895, when in her sixties, Mary, or as “Stagecoach Mary” as she was sometimes called because she never missed a day of work, became the second woman and first African American to work as a mail carrier in the U.S. She got the job because she was the fastest applicant to hitch six horses.

Eventually she retired to a life of running a laundry business. And babysitting all the kids in town. And going to baseball games. And being friends with much of the townsfolk.

This was Mary Fields. A rebel, a legend.
much respect to Mary Fields wish women's of today they can take a note from her #UbuntuBami 

Impi yobumnyama isemome

Abantu bakithi kuleskhathi kumele bahlale beqhaphile bazibheke futhi ngoba manje umhlaba uyaqoqwa.. The war is among us okwamanje asikakazi ukuthi silwela ini coz uzobezwa bethi bafuna umhlaba but uma bengawuthola bazowenzani? Thole ukuthi bawufuna kanjena nje I bafuna ukwakha imjondolo hhayi ukusungula amabusness.

I lesi sizathu ke esizoholela empini yomhlaba ngoba kuza indlala enzima kakhulu ezweni uma isifikile izobe isiphoqa noma ubani ukuthi alwe ukuze aphile.. Ngyazi ngeke uyikholwe le engiyishoyo but bukela amamovies what they do they spread awareness for their fellow race members to prepare themselves.. Iwant us to do the same when we are watching movies we must watch them to learn from them not just for fun... Ukwenza kwethu kanjalo kuzosisiza ukuthi sizilungiselele for iskhathi esizayo ngoba sizobe sibuza ukuthi unamandla angakanani... Bazokudla or uwena ozobe udla bona.

Njengamanje Inkinga esbhekene nayo siyisizwe ubuholi obuholwa ogombela kwesabo abantu abangenandaba nhlobo nomunye umuntu bane ndaba nabo nemndeni yabo kuphela... Buka nje kunomnyango kwahulumeni obhekelela amaciko kodwa lowo mnyango awuwenzi umsebenzi wawo coz amaciko alambile namanje while bona behamba ngezimoto zikanokusho... Isxwayiso sami sithi baqaphele ngoba indlala ibanga uLaka #UbuntuBami 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Cigarette smoking

I believe whoever created cigarettes have hatrance for humanity, how can you create something to be used by people when it going to kill them.. Cigarettes have so many chemicals that are deadly.. Right now I will quote a few and describe them.

Stearic acid 
Acetic acid 
Carbon monoxide 
Stearic acid - - is a saturated fatty acid with an 18 carbon chain and has the LUPAC name octadecanoic acid.
It is a waxy solid and it's chemical formula is C17, H35, CO2H.

Acetic acid - is a colorless liquid organic compound with the chemical formula cH3CO2H or 2H4O2 when undiluted, it is sometimes called glacial acetic acid or vinegar.

Methane - is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CH4(one atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen) it is a group of 14 hydride and the simplest alkane and is the main constituent of natural gas... The relative abundance of methane on earth makes it attractive fuel though capturing and storing it poses challenges due to it gaseous state under normal conditions for temperature and pressure.

Cadmium - is a chemical element with symbol CD and atomic number 48.
This soft blueish-white metal is a chemically similar to the two other stable metals in group 12 namely zinc and mercury... Like zinc it demonstrates oxidation state in most of its compounds and like mercury, it has lower melting point than the transition metals.

Toluene - Is an aromatic hydrocarbon, it is colorless, water insoluble liquid with the smell associated with paint thinners, it is a mono substituted benzene derivative, consisting of a CH3.

Butane - is a organic compound with the formula C4 H10 that is an alkine with 4 carbon atorms, butane is a gas at room temperature of atmospheric pressure.

Ammonia - is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH3 the simplest pnictogen hydride, ammonia is a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent smell, it is a common nitrogenous waste, particularly among aquatic organism and it contributes significantly to the nutritional needs of terrestrial organism by serving as a precursor to food and fertilizers ammonia, either directly or indirectly.

Nicotine - is a potent parasympathetic stimulant and an alkaloid found in the nightshade family of plants.
Nicotine constitutes approximately 0.6,3,0% of diy weight of tobacco it also occurs in edible plants such as those in the solanaceae family, which includes eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes for example, but at trace levels generally under 200 nanograms per gram dry weight (less than 0002%) nicotine functions as an anti-herbivore chemical ;consequently, nicotine was widely used as an insecticide in the past.
Nicotine is highly eddictive an average cigarette yields about 2mg of absorbed nicotine ;in lesser doses of that order the substance acts as stimulant in mammals while high amounts (50--100mg) can be harmful, this stimulant effect is a contributing factor to the addictive properties of tobacco smoking... Nicotine's, addictive nature includes phuschoactive effects, drug reinforced behavior, compulsive use, relapse after abstinence, physical dependence and tolerance...
High enough doses, nicotine is associated with poisonings and is potentially lethal, nicotine as a tool for quitting smoking has a good safety history it appears that nicotine itself is associated with cancer in humans... Nicotine linked to possible birth defects during pregnancy there are risks to the child later in life for types 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, neurobehavioral defects, respiratory, dysfunction and infertility. 

Nicotine's mood - altering effects are different by reports in particular it is both a stimulant and relaxant first causing a release of glucose from the liver and epinephrine (adrenaline) from the adrenal medulla it causes stimulation uses reports feeling of relaxation sharpness, calmness and alertness when a cigarette is smoked nicotine rich blood passes from lungs to the brain within the seven seconds and immediately stimulates nicotine acetylcholine receptors this indirectly promotes the release of many chemicals messengers such as acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, arginine vasopressin, serotonin, dopamine and beta- endorphin in part of the brain. 

You see with this much chemicals it appears to me that cigarette is some sort of deadly weapon for mass destruction.. Why our government allows this thing to happen to the world to us? What have we done to them to deserve such treatment.. When you search about these chemicals they were added you will know that this evil thing was created to destroy the world... Let's us try to stop it for the next generation to come.. All cigarettes companies must be burned just like alcohol companies 

Monday, December 19, 2022

My journey to Bulawayo

I never knew they were two places with the same name Bulawayo the first one is at KwaZulu-Natal EShowe egodini esbizwa ngokuthi iseNgodini.. Another one is at Zimbabwe where righthand mand of King Shaka Mzilikazi decide to betray him and stole his cows... Mzilikazi kaMashobane is from Khumalo clan and he was a brave worrior... But today I'm not talking about im talking about the historical place that we need to know more about... KwaBulawayo is where queen Nandi's grave at.
belicasha la ibutho leLembe

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Justice is unjust

Today I would like to talk about justice yaseMzansi it is so unjust.. When you have money you have a power to break every law... Steven Bantu Biko was killed and even on this day we never had anything about his killers... Means they are walking free and unpunished while Nsiki Biko is struggling to raise their children's since their father was murdered... Mangaliso Sobukwe spent 28 years in jail... Many years in solitary but that we never told and him was never celebrated not even remembered but he is the one who was fighting for us... Chris Hani was killed ingane zakhe zasala zingenababa and kuze kube I namhlanje isizathu sokbulawa kwakhe asikaziwa nokuthi ubani owayethume ababulala....abantu eMerikana babulewe ngoba bedemanda okubafanele and those who are responsible and walking free when they are opharns left helpless because their parents were murdered and the justice failed our people like the case of Senzo Meyiwa.. The man was killed and even today nobody was arrested

please put this on your mind!