Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Slavery is man-made!

Slavery islonda esisathunukala namanje kwabaningi because they never get a chance to heal, so this trauma goes along way and it has done more harm more demage from past until now. We cannot change the past but the future is depends on us on how we treat life now and we behave in the world. I know many of our fellow Afrikans still blames Whites for slavery and Whites claims that they were not there when it all happening of which is true non of us know the cause for our fellow Afrikans to endup being taken to captivity, it is very true that Afrikans face brutality under white supremacy they were tourtured, raped and killed, it also the facts that those Whites we have today they were reaping fruits of colonialism seeds that was planted by their ancestors. But today I want us to forget all that tragedies done in the past let us forget and forgive and move on with life because we can't always blame white people as if we are all pure and innocent.. Let remember this truth that they were kings who did sold their people to slavery for weapons and wealthy.. Today we don't have slaves bu women's and children's are still being abused and raped by those who suppose to protect them.. Today our fellow Afrikans are killing each other, raping and robbing each other, they even sold each other for money rituals so we can't blame white people for that but ourselves rather
my advice is let us let's go of the bitter past and let us try by all means necessary to move forward before the history try to repeat itself, let us stop the blame game, let's stop pointing fingers, it might be true that white people are reaping fruits of apartheid and slavery but they never ask for it.. Just like us we never asked for it.. Nobody diserve to be mistreated in any how nobody diserve this bitter treatment we always shown to other races. Le nzondo egcwele izinhliziyo zethu yenza kube nzima ukbona inqubekela phambili ngoba impilo siyibuka ngamehlo agcwele I nzondo nonya... Black people you are not innocent nawe ngfuna ungakukhohlwa lokho, we past colonialism we past slavery and apartheid today we claim to be free but women's are still being abused and raped by those who support to protect them.. Children's are still molested instead of being loved and protected.. And we can't blame white people for that.. We can't blame abelungu ngokuthi abantu bakithi bakhungethwe umhobholo nomgolo.. Babulalana bodwa ngoba befuna ukthwala abanye bayakbulala ngoba befuna izicubu zakho khona bezozithengisela labathakathi abathwala ngabantu... Izinto lezi ekmele sizinqande siyisizwe.. Kumele sizame uklungisa izinkinga esbhekene nazo as isizwe.. Singabantu abavela emakhaya angafani syazi sonke ukuthi akukho khaya lingenankinga zalo so nathi ake sizame uklungisa izinkinga zethu...eyokqala kungaba ukqeda inzondo ezinhliziyweni zethu siyi replace ngothando ukuze umhlaba wethu ube muhle futhi uthele izithelo zempumelelo.. Ngokwenza kwethu kanjalo sobe sesenzela nesizukulwane esizayo emva kwethu we must be the example that they must follow. #UbuntuArtwork #Ubuntutheankhfoundation #UbuntuBami

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