Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Life experiences
What I learn from life is that you must do you be you... So what is good to and what is best for you, never let anyone trying to convince you to feel otherwise about your vision or your dreams... You must remember this in the world we are not the same we are not created to be the same but we were created to work in copparative manner.. What was good for you it won't be good for me... So we must try by all means to not force others to be like us when everyone is unique his/her own way... Abantu bayakwazi ukuba nemibono nge idea yakho and kwesinye iskhathi uma ulalela leyombono yabo I idea yakho igcina ingaphumelelanga ngalendlela obufuna ngayo or ungaphumeleli at all... Uma iphumelela it no longer yours but eyakho nalabo akade bekunika eyabo imbono.
Always remember this you are responsible for your words for your actions, so learn to sharpen your words and be careful of your actions they might lead you into trouble... Balalele bonke but only take what will work for you akyona yonke into eshiwo umuntu elungele amadlebe akho akukhathaleki noma ngabe ubani.. Wonke umuntu unento yakhe... Kukhona abathola ukhlakanipha kwabo nokuqonda ngokufunda izincwadi, abanye ngokfundiswa nangokutshelwa, abanye ngokbuka nje ngehlo kuningi asuke esekfundile.. Lento ubuyela kulokhu ebengikusho ukuthi singabantu asfani omunye uzwa kancono uma etshelwa omunye akafuni uktshelwa ufuna ukzenzela... So thina okwethu is to appreciate who we are and never try to change who you are because you are trying to fit in... If you not fit in means that is not your territory that is not where you belong so move away and find where you belong.. Lapho ongezukuba nesizathu sokuzishintsha ubuwena ngoba ufuna ukthandwa nokwamukelwa #UbuntuBami
Monday, September 26, 2022
I'm selling gemstones
Place your order now for protection stones, lucky stones, healing stones all of them and I do corrier them wherever you are in the world
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Who is the Annunaki?
Anyways lot of people have no idea who are the Anunnaki and who are ANU.
So let me break it down.
First of all there is a difference between ANU and annunaki.
1. ANU - The Real Cosmic Custodians/Guardians/Seeders.
2. Anunnaki - Fake mesopatamian sumerian human deities, pretending to be ANU to deceive the masses into being worshipped.
■ Annunakis are a group of proclaimed deities of ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians. In the earliest Sumerian which come from the Post-Akkadian period, This Self proclaimed deities built Mesopotamia which was destroyed with floods by the Real ANU travelling within ANU-NABIS/NIBIRU/NEMISIS.
⚠️ This Sumerian imposters stole the name ANU from the Original CUSTODIANS of the YOUNIVERSE and called themselves Anunnaki so that humans can believe and worship them.
Henceforth many people today they call Our Custodians Anunnakis instead of just ANU.
The ANU are currently enroute Mother TEMARE, coming within SARAS-WATI (MOTHER STAR) called NIBIRU /ANU-NABIS/ NEMISIS, which is a moving GIANT STAR CRAFT 3 times bigger than Mother TEMARE (Earth). NIBIRU is a moving Planet In a form of a Star Craft.
⚠️ The reason why the governments controlled by Our enemies (draconin Reptilians) are currently pushing the Alien invasion agenda through CGI projects like Blue beam, is because they know the Real Custodians/Guardians of the Youniverse are coming back to restore all the sufferings they've been subjecting Mother Earth, BANTU and the rest of the Human race created by BANTU people led by YAHWEHU and the ELOHIM.
⚠️ The Draconian ruling govern-ments (control-minds) is so well designed we don't even feel there's something wrong because we Descended in a very messed up system that has been manipulated for the past 2022 years, so We thought everything is normal.
- We think it's normal to work for companies owned By reptilians and reptilian Hybrids. It's a matrix
- We think it's normal to get sick, it's not.
- We think it's normal to worship (beg) sky deities or invisible deities. It's not. Its all just Indoctrinations of the matrix.
■ The real ANU are Our 9th NETERU ELDERS/CUSTODIANS whom are Our current Guardians whom did not sleep through Our current cycle of Self Forgetfulness of the Youniverse, as each and every cycle of the Youniverse have Custodians/Guardians to safeguard the Planet against any external forces and also to keep the Cosmic Electromagnetic fields flowing accordingly aligned with specific stars as preordained before the initiation of every Cycle of the Youniverse.
■ The real ANU are the 24 ELDERS whom chose their 144 000 Chiefs of 72 000 NeterGadaat and 72 000 NeterGad to lead US into Descending these current cycle of the Youniverse which was YAHWEHU's (Yakub) turn to manifest using His Creative Mind of the Youniverse, together with the ELOHIM to bring our Recessiveness (Light gene) embodied by the 4 original Light Races whom We came to the center of the Cosmos to manifest them right at the very deep bottom within Mother TEMARE (Earth).
■ Who are the fake annunakis?
The fake annunaki were the first Brown race grafted by YAHWEHU (Yakub) and the ELOHIM after 200 years of Strategic mutational breeding.
• 200 years later, the Red race was Grafted.
• 200 years later the Yellow race was Grafted.
• Then finally 66 years later the White race (Caucanoidz) were created.
▪︎It took 666 years to Graft/create all the light races on Earth today. On the 666th year the pale Caucanoidz were finally created.
▪︎ It took 666 years to completely remove all the Dominant dark gene and create a pure human being with Zero Melanin in the DNA.
▪︎ After the first Brown race which was Grafted by YAHWEHU (Ya-ba-Hwehu~ King of the Light race) and ELOHIM (59 000 chosen Moorish Carbon skinned and Albinos).
▪︎ The word Moor means Masters. The ELOHIM were very intelligent BA-NTU master Alchemists all over AFU-RAKA whom chose to be part of the Great Ritual which was to suppress their Dominant Dark Gene out of their DNA through strategic mutational Rituals.
▪︎ YAHWEHU and the ELOHIM went to Pitmo Island to fulfil these Great Rituals which are part of 7 Great Rituals of Self Forgetfulness cycle of the Youniverse, where We temporarily forget Our Mind of the Youniverse in order to bring the embodiment of Our Recessive light gene within Us and also experience it anew as New clueless Souls.
▪︎When YAHWEHU and ELOHIM went Pitmo Island far away from the SUN reach to Graft/mutate the light races by suppressing Melanin to bring about the Recessive light gene, Our Dynasty of BATHEBE (the Thebes) was already in Lower and Upper Nubia, perfecting their Civilization In KGEMETA/Khemet (egypt).
▪︎ The first Civilization in the World was first established in AZAR, modern day South Afuraka at a place called BOHLABATŠAŠI (modern day MPUMALANGA) where ATUM (Cosmic Energy/Musculinity) Seeded Himself within AFU (Mother Earth/MA'AT/Femininity) in order for the first SUN to rise at the 24° Tropic of Capricorn.
▪︎ The name BOHLABATŠAŠI (Izalo Y'langa) l means A place where the SUN Rises.
▪︎ In BOHLABATŠAŠI there's an ancient site today called ADAMS calendar which is ATUM'S COSMIC Wheel (calendar) which the first Pyramids on Earth were built and this Pyramids are directly aligned with the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt today.
▪︎ This Pyramids are hidden underground and some have been destroyed by maturity of the Cosmos since they were very old.
▪︎ Yes the first SUN rises in the East of South Afuraka, at BOHLABATŠAŠI which is now called Mpumalanga after the Dutch Boers helped by AmaSwati Warriors as captives of warfare conquered Kgoši THULARE I of BA-KGATLA ba HURUTSHI II/HUROSET II, the ANKHCESTORS of modern day Northen Sotho People of Mpumalanga, Botswana, Gauteng and Limpopo.
▪︎ After the reptilian Boers conquered the last Dynasty of Bathebe (the Thebes) under King THULARE I they rewarded King of Amaswati with land in the outskirts of Mpumalanga so that they protect the Boers against any invasion by other Northern So-THO BANTU people.
Back to fake annunaki.
▪︎ 100 years later after YAHWEHU and the rest of the remaining ELOHIM Ascended back to SARAS-WATI/NIBIRU/ANU-NABIS, The Sumerians saw an opportunity to play Gods upon other Light Races that came after them.
▪︎ Sumerian fake annunakis made a contact with the Draconians from Draco constellation. Which is a land (plane terrain) outside Mother Earth Seperated by huge ice walls and the Glass firmament.
▪︎ The reptilian Royalty who destroyed their land saw an opportunity to take over Mother Earth taking advantage of the fact that ANU-NABIS/NIBIRU has left to SARAS-WATI to take YAHWEHU and the ELOHIM back home (STAR SIRIUS) until the end of preordained cycle Self Forgetfulness is completed.
▪︎ And also taking advantage of the fact that We (NTUS) had initiated the cycle of Self Forgetfulness where we temporarily forget the Supreme Mind (pineal gland) of the Youniverse.
▪︎ The Draconian and Sumerian annunakis (self proclaimed ANU) working together they casted a spell that enclosed the Portals in order to stop the Real ANU (Guardians/Custodians) from reintering Mother Earth and destroying them.
▪︎ The Draconians always played masterminds hiding in the shadows while using the images of Sumerian sorcerers as "Gods". The reptilian are still playing that game today shapeshifted as the Caucanoidz. Hiding their weak fragile lizard bodies behind the White cloned skin of the Caucanoidz.
▪︎ The Reptilians working with Sumerians mated and Genetically modified their DNA together to create alsorts of Hybrids, Niphilims (light race human eating Giants), the likes of Yeti, Bigfoot, Pinky-pinky, Elfs, Feiries, Tikoloshes, Water creatures, etc..
▪︎ The Sumerian anunnaki played Draconian gods sacrificing humans for blood and Meat to feed the Reptilians and niphilims because needed human blood to survive on Earth as they're a foreign DNA to Earth's Atmosphere.
▪︎ The fake gods and reptilians went around Civilizations conquering the lands and resources. Also killed the Adults while they indoctrinated their Offsprings to see and worship them as Gods.
▪︎ Remember the Movie Apocalypto? That movie is based on True story.
▪︎ The Mayans are also victims of Draconian Annunakis. They worshipped reptilians and sumerian gods thinking they worshiping their creators.
▪︎ The Draconian imposters built Atlantis and caused terror all over the World. The Sumerians led by reptilians when they gained power through being worshipped then started to attack KHEMET.
▪︎ Remember the first Turkish invasion that invaded Khemet? Why do you think Egypt is controlled by Arabs today?
▪︎ Arabs are the light Descendents of Sumerian annunakis. Who came to Khemet long after the Original inhabitants of Khemet whom are Nubian BaNTU tribes had already left and went back to their Birth places. Thus we went to Khemet Store & preserve our ESOTERIC Cosmic Knowledge in order to remind Ourselves of Our ANKHCESTRY in the present future.
▪︎ The Thebes (Bathebe) Dynasty which Eye descend from then left Nubia and returned back to the upper Southern Sahara of AFURAKA. Remember the Map is actually upside down and South is at the Top and North is a the Bottom.
▪︎Bathebe (the Thebes) were not the first but one of the first and longest BANTU Dynasty to rule Upper Nubia and Lower Nubia. And they also civilized America as Moorish OLMECS, Asia as Moorish SANSKRITS and Europe as Moorish YUROBAS.
▪︎The Mesopotamian imposters where conquered the by Thebes Dynasty being assisted the real ANU where they melted the ice walls to open another hidden deep portal in order to reinter Mother Earth as the other known Portals where closed.
▪︎ The melting of Ice walls which rose the sea level by Our Custodians led to the first Floods that the fake story of Noah was fabricated from. We'll talk about the actually event on another segment.
▪︎ The first floods and Earthquakes influenced by ANU assisting the THEBES of AFURAKA, The OLMECS of MARAKA (fake name Amerikkka), the SANKARATA (Sanskrits) of AŠA (asia), were the ones that destroyed and sunk Sumeria, Babylon, Akkadia, and Assyria
▪︎ Mesopotamia was then destroyed killing all the elites/deities, some of the reptilians, their hybrids, niphilims and other creatures.
▪︎ Some of the Skeletons of the Niphilims and creatures are still hidden underground, some were burned up by Volcanic lava, and some are discovered by archaeologists.
NB. Not only Niphilims were Giants, We also have petrifications and Skeletons Of Ourselves as NUBIAN GIANTS that assisted the current Us in a Size of Our human Creation, as we needed to fulfill the completion of building the Pyramids of Giza and Pyramids of Mexico, Peru, The Bermuda Triangle, and other undiscovered Pyramids at the bottom of the Ocean bed.
▪︎ When Sumeria, was destroyed, The Royal reptilians hid their two Offsprings deep underground which they survived the floods.
▪︎ This two siblings (Elizardbeth & Her reptilian brother husband Prince Philip) of the surviving Draconian Offsprings emerged to the upper ground when the water settled and this time around they made a pact with a Greek Grand white Wizard King Mesodoniac, the Father Alexander the Greek who gave Emperor Constantine the stolen tablets he stole in Khemet while he was pretending to be a scholar.
▪︎ King mesodoniac working with reptilians (Queen Elizardbeth and her Brother Husband) send his Son Alexander the Greek to Khemet to learn the sacred Knowledge of BANTU people and also spy on It's NATION. The reptilian Hybrids took advantage of our DIVINITY and UBUNTU then used it against Us
▪︎ When Alexander the Greek left Khemet he had stolen so many relics, scrolls and tablets as instructed by his father, which let to the rise of Greek Empire to Roman empire.
▪︎ The first Bible was written by a sorcerer King mesodoniac working with his Son Alexander, plagerising and twisting the BUKARA (A Manual of the Spirit of the Sun) into Hilios Biblio (book of the Sun) by the Greeks. Which was later plegerised and converted into Holy Bible by Emperor Constantine and the Council of Necea.
Then came King James with his KJ version of the Bible, as well as many other versions that are present today.
▪︎BUKARA is a Manual of the Metaphysical condensation of Cosmic LIFE (Energy) which from the SUN henceforth as Nawubian BANTU are called SUN PEOPLE or PEOPLE of the SUN. It was recorded to specifically to teach the Light race, which We SARAS-WATI 360° complete BEINGS Seeded TEMARE to experience Our Recessive light gene through Our light race, meanwhile teaching them how to conquer their Recessiveness as they're the last Creation which we created for the first time. And in order for them to experience Higher Vibrational Frequencies of the Youniverse, they must first experience the lower vibrations and conquer them to upgrade.
▪︎ BUKARA is tablets and scrolls which was originally written for the Light Race teaching them about their Creators (BANTU) "People of wooly hair and skin like bronze, who lives in the Lands of milk and honey" before they ever met US.
▪︎The current Bible and all this other religious books are falsehoods plegerised from the Original BUKARA scrolls 📜. Hilios Biblios was intentionally fabricated by group of Greek Kings writing their own stories to make themselves superior. The likes of Ephesians, Galatians, etc were Greek Tribes submitting their versions of stories to be added in their version of Hilios Biblios called the first testament after receiving an order from Alexander the Greek.
▪︎ The New testament was written by King Arthur, until King James also wrote his King James version. All this religious books were instructed by the Draconians as means suppressing Our Spirituality through Draconian demonic frequencies of Lower vibrations.
Let me emphasis no one has image nor statues of the real ANU, all this other images & statues are just fake annunaki imposters and their reptilian handlers.
The Real ANU have returned through NIBIRU/ANU-NABIS which fueled by Star Sirius East and West, to assist Us again to destroy all the Draconian reign for good and vibrate Mother Earth back to her Original State as we've fulfilled the cycle of Self Forgetfulness Youniverse.
▪︎ Nothing is new under the Sun.
- The sea level is rapidly rising again
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Floods and storms.
- The reptilians still went underground trying to hide unfortunately we found of them, killed and killing them one by one in their hiding cities underground which are also getting mud flooded and burned by lava.
Eye repeat, it's not the end of the World and it'll never be the end of the World. However its the end of Demonic frequencies of false gods, false religions, false education, false laws, false health, false Foods & liquids, demonic activities, cults, 33° freemasonry, 33° illuminati, Child trafficking, child molestation, child sacrifices, fake politicians, fake scientists, the end of fake reality, fake technology, fake messiah, fake prophets, and fake annunakis 🙄.
We are ANU, just ANU not anunnaki.
Anunnakis are the likes of Enlil, Enki,
▪︎The name ANU means SEEDER/ANKH-CESTOR and in other meaning can be closely related to a word the "PARENT".
In Northen Sotho ANU means MOTSWADI (SEEDER/Bringer of LIFE).
▪︎There no aliens which are coming to invade TEMARE (Earth) the Custodians are coming back to shift the Electromagnetic Grid of Mother Earth back to default setting. And because reptilian Hybrids are afraid of their demise, they push the Alien invasion agenda to get people to panic and seek refuge under the reptilians.
▪︎ When the ELDERS finally show themselves some of which fell for the alien invasion deception will be frightened and run underground to hide with reptilian Hybrids which in return they will be held hostage and be eaten as food.
▪︎ Fortunately many of Us are Awakening now and We won't go underground with the desperate hybrids.
▪︎ Many of Us have been seeing the Shamas/Starcrafts classified as UFOs for the past hundred years.
The so called UFOs are Our ANKHCESTORS within the Shamas/Starcrafts of Flying Saucers and Pyramid shaped crafts.
Not those short greys creatures they show you as aliens in the movies, those are just extra terrestrial DNA creatures created by Reptilians and Mesopatamians sumerian interbreeding with each other and also humans (light race) to create all sorts of creatures as means of causing an imbalance of Divine flow of ANU > CREATION!
Zulu descendants of Israel
Zulu descendants of the lost tribes of Israel:
In 1844 the British annexed Natal. The largely British settlers were acutely aware that to the north there was a powerful Zulus state, and as a result considerable interest in Zulu customs and traditions was generated.
Captain Francis Gardiner (1794-1851), a commander in the Royal Navy and a devoted missionary, who was later to die of starvation along with missionary companions on a desert island in Tierra del Fuego, went on a journey traveling east from the Cape to Natl. Upon his first encounter with the Zulus, he took their customs to be “apparently of Jewish origin” and the Zulus themselves to be of Jewish extraction. The Zulu customs that led him to this conclusion included circumcision, levirate marriage, the festival of the first fruits, and a number of others. In 1835 Gardiner was sent to negotiate a peace with the Zulu chief Dingane at his winter home, Kwa-khangela, near present-day Eshowe. Upon his return after lengthy and detailed talks about every aspect of Zulu life, Gardiner reported that Zulu religious beliefs were quite simply “a remnant of pre-Christian Judaism.” As British power was extended farther east, the same discourse continued.
Throughout the 1850s Zulus continued to be racially constructed as Jews. Their settled, pastoral life and their religious and social customs were evidence enough of this. G. R. Peppercorne, the magistrate of Pafana Location, observed to the Native Affairs Commission that “a general type of the customs and laws of the Ama-Zulu may be found in the early history of the Hebrews.” Zulu polygamy, marriage customs, even attitudes toward work were all described in the appropriate biblical passage. He suggested that any European who wanted to understand Zulu customs had only to read the Old Testament. Henry Francis Fynn (1803-1861), an English traveler, trader, and an acknowledged expert on Zulu customs, left behind a diary that is one of the best sources on the history of the Zulus. The diary covers the period from 1824 to 1036, when Fynn was living much of the time with the Zulus. “I was surprised,” he wrote, “to find a considerable resemblance between many of the Zulu customs and those of the Jews.” These included “war offerings, sin offerings, propitiatory offerings, Festival of first fruits… periods of uncleanness, on the decease of relatives and touching the dead, Circumcision; Rules regarding chastity, rejection of swine’s flesh.” Fynn concluded in the usual way of the Hamitic hypothesis that in view of “the nature of semblance of many of their customs to those of the ancient Jews, as prescribed under the Levitical priesthood I am led to form the opinion that the Zulu tribes have been very superior to what they are at the present time.”
A similar analysis was made by John Colenso (1814-1883), the famous Cambridge-educated biblical scholar, mathematician, and Christian socialist who was ordained bishop of Natal in 1853. He arrived in Natal the following year and quickly became fluent in Zulu (he went on to publish a grammar and dictionary of the language). Colenso was convinced that the two Zulu names for God embraced perfectly the notions of the divine “contained in Hebrew words Elohim and Yahweh.” So close indeed were the resemblances, according to Colenso, that frequently he suggested that anyone who wanted to really understand the Bible had best study Zulu customs. Zulu “habits and even the nature of their country so nearly correspond to those of the ancient Israelites, that the very scenes are brought continually, as it were, before their eyes, and vividly realized in a practical point of view.” Practically everything about the Zulus, from their lunar calendar to the order of religious feasts, seemed to reflect an Israelite past.” The Zulu keep his annual feasts, and observes the New Moons as the old Hebrew did. From the book “Black Jews In Africa And The Americas,” (2013) by Tudor Parfitt pp. 61-64
Black Hebrew, Wentworth Arthur Mathew; founder of the Commandment Keepers,holding a Sefer Torah.
Afrika for Afrikans!
"Why Europeans cannot be Allowed to Write African Histories"
As we reclaim our identity, many of us naively read books on African history without thinking about who the author is; which is 97% written by the European race. About 2.5% are written by Black academic tokens nodding in agreement in order to obtain approval and prestige in European academia. That leaves only 0.5% who are independent Black writers reclaiming authority to write our own history.
However, too many of this even small 0.5% rely on the European texts because they have been so aggressive about controlling the narrative of African history.
No matter how factual European texts about African history may appear on the surface, the European is naturally compelled through respect for their ancestors who enslaved the Black African race for centuries, to degrade any significant Black African achievements in order to validate the European enslavement of Africans as a beneficial enslavement raising a culturally inferior people into civilization.
The European's agenda will not allow him to ever stop trying to write our history and control the narrative in his favor. He will never stop. But his false writings will lose their power if we stop reading them and giving them to our children. Their narrative only has control if we accept it and do not write our own.
This is not about racism to Europeans when we say we cannot allow them to write our history, but acknowledging the nature of human beings. A rich child will always defend his grandfather that made him rich, even if his wealth was secured through evil. Thus, while many Europeans will acknowledge that it was wrong to enslave people, they will simultaneously (even if subtly) justify the wrong by suggesting that Africans were culturally inferior and needed to be educated into civilization thru slavery/colonization.
History, as an academic subject, has never been about truth. It has always been and will always be about controlling others through controlling their history. History says what you have been capable of achieving and what you have not. Without it, you cannot be capable of achieving a future of your own. As Africanamerican elder scholar Dr. Leonard Jeffries has reminded us, "He who defines you, controls you." Let us then define ourselves, for us and our progeny.
It is crucial that you understand this if you want to reclaim control of who gets to define who we are and who we were and who we are going to be as a people.
The Ancients of Kemet and Kush were the first people on the planet to write down history. They did so for us to learn from their mistakes and build upon their successes. This is why the Europeans and Arabs are so aggressive about controlling who can tell the history of the Ancient Nile; they don't want us to start investigating it for ourselves and discover the truth:
That the Black African race founded the greatest and earliest civilization known to mankind that has yet to be surpassed, and all of mankind is indebt to the Black man for this. But most importantly, that this great African civilization that ruled the world can be recreated by us today!
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The history of Mpumalanga
The Place of the Rising Sun
The history of the province
It is difficult to conceive of an area of greater historical, scenic and wildlife diversity anywhere in the world, and a journey to South Africa would not be complete without a visit to this province. Indeed, in the South African context, Mpumalanga is already rated as one of the country's most popular tourist destinations.
Attractions range from game viewing and bird watching, to scenic drives across the valleys and peaks of the vast Drakensberg escarpment. Historical sites and villages, old wagon routes and monuments mark events and characters who passed before in search of adventure and wealth.
Anecdotes abound The story of Jock of the Bushveld, a Staffordshire bull terrier whose hunting exploits during his life in the lowveld were immortalised in the story of the same name, by the famous pioneer Sir Percy Fitzpatrick. The story, popular with all age groups, characterises much of the lifestyle of the early days in the lowveld.
The cultural heritage of the province is both varied and exciting. From the Ndebele beadwork and house painting in the north west to the crafts of the lowveld, a unique insight is offered into the history, lives and passions of the people.
Those who seek the mystique and diversity of the African bushveld, the natural drama of both the scenery and the wildlife, or simply to relax in the variety of environments offered by the province, will be welcomed by all the people of Mpumalanga,the land and the people time chart.
Historical Perspective
In the mountains above Barberton scientists have found traces of "Stromatolites", the remnants of blue-green algae formed 3500 million years ago when oxygen was added to the earth's atmosphere in significant quantities to create the first evolutionary step towards life forms.
Throughout the Mpumalanga hills and mountains exist hundreds of examples of San (bushman) art. This art serves as a window looking into the lives of the San hunters and gatherers who inhabited the area centuries before the arrival of the Nguni people from the north.
The region abounded with all types of game, plants, birds and insects. The rivers ran full, providing for the needs of these early inhabitants. Later came the first of the Nguni people who arrived with herds of cattle, and mined red ochre in the hills south of Malelane. Early smelters, which pre-date the main Nguni influx, have been excavated, indicating that the use of iron and copper was well advanced during these years. Similarly, early pottery fragments and sculptural artifacts unearthed in the hills on the Long Tom Pass, notably the "Lydenburg heads" have been described as a major art find
. Around 1400 AD the second Nguni migration arrived from the north with their vast herds of cattle. These people had advanced the art of iron smelting, and built stone-walled houses for their settlements.
The creation of the Swazi nation as we know it today commenced at the time of King Ngwane. The area, which was then demarcated by tribal boundaries, was referred to as KaNgwane, a name that still stands. Clans forged friendships with other clans through marriage and for safety of numbers, while frequent raids against neighbouring clans served to replenish cattle herds and to extend tribal lands.
The movements of tribal chiefs through the region had a profound effect on the formation and bonding of nations. Most notable was the influence of Zulu king Shaka, whose empire stretched southwards from the Swaziland border to the Tugela River. Shoshangane, who escaped from Zululand and settled in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, was the founder of the Shangane people, while Mzilikazi, after being forced to flee Zululand to escape the wrath of Shaka, travelled through the region on his way north to establish an empire in southern Zimbabwe. His passage was marked by death and destruction as he sought to subjugate the Ndebele people.
For centuries, Mpumalanga was populated by warrior clans who roamed the hills and plains in search of grazing for their cattle and safety for their people. Theirs was a life of war and survival as the centres of power moved from one clan to another. The oral tradition passed down in the folklore of the people is today an important record of the lives and tribal history of the inhabitants.
The Land and the People
The Early Inhabitants
Red ochre mines at Dumaneni, 6km south of Malelane, and at Lion Cavern, a site in the Ngwenya mountains, are some of the oldest mining sites in the world which attest to the early presence of man in Mpumalanga, some 46 000 years ago. The red ochre - ludvumane in siSwati, which means 'four times the sound of thunder' - emphasises the importance of this mineral to early African civilisations. Ochre was used by chiefs and diviners, who covered their bodies with a mixture of this deep red mineral and animal fats in order to endow themselves with power.
Later, San (Bushmen) used ochre both to decorate their bodies and in the manufacture of pigments. Examples of San (Bushman) rock art can be found throughout the province, marking the passage of these hunter-gatherers. Early indications of the presence of the species Australopithecus and Homo erectus take us back to the dawn of time, placing Mpumalanga in the cradle of the emergence of civilisation in Africa.The Ndebele
The Ndebele people of north west Mpumalanga now live in the area around Dennilton where, after a century of struggle, they were granted land on which to re-establish their people, who had been scattered throughout South Africa by war and restrictive legislation. The history of these people has been one of hardship and turmoil as successive waves of foreigners invaded their historic homeland.
The Ndebele are a Nguni people. During the third and fourth centuries they migrated to the Zebedelia and Pretoria areas in a series of migrations, and it was in this region that they established their tribal lands during the mid-17th century.
Today a bronze sculpture of the Ndebele leader Nyabela stands outside the Mapoch Caves, to remind the descendants of this brave and proud people of their turbulent past.
The Swazi
The Swazi people can trace their origins to a region in Kenya on the slopes of Mount Kenya, some 140km north of Nairobi. They arrived in Southern Africa under their chief, Dlamini, and settled initially near Maputo. The tribe then moved southwards to the Pongola River and later still into present day Swaziland where it developed its Swazi identity under King Sobhuza I (1815-1836) and later his son, King Mswati II. The latter was credited with uniting the many clans into one nation. Mswati II also set out to enlarge his empire by attacking his northern neighbours to as far north as Venda and the Limpopo River.
King Mswati was a cruel and determined leader, whose army was greatly feared. However, in one engagement, his army attacked the Pulana clan in the valleys of the Blyde River Canyon. The Pulana succeeded in defeating the Swazis by hurling rocks down on them from the cliffs above. The survivors of this battle, fearing reprisals if they returned to their king, settled to the north of Swaziland in small pockets, where the same families live to this day.
The Shangane
Manukosi Shoshangane Nxumalo, a fighting general in Zwide's Ndwandwe army, was defeated by Shaka's army in Zululand and driven north of the Inkomati River, where he established a new kingdom in the Gaza Province of Mozambique. Over the years his empire grew through alliances with local chiefs and through war, until it extended to as far north as the Zambezi River.
When Shoshangane died in 1856 he was succeeded by one of his two sons, Mawewe. The new king, in turn, fell victim to inter-family fighting and was deposed by his brother Mzila. Years of fighting throughout the region then weakened the Shangane empire, and in the absence of strong leadership the clans scattered through a wide area of Mpumalanga, the Northern Province and Mozambique.
Today the Shangane nation is once again well defined stretching from south of Bushbuckridge into the Northern Province, and eastwards into Mozambique.
The Pedi
The Pedi, who occupy the land across the northern border of Mpumalanga in the Northern Province, have had a strong influence on the history and development of the Mpumalanga through the years.
Many of their leaders have contributed meaningfully to the development of the province, and are set to continue to do so in the new South Africa. the europeans and asians
Mpumalanga today is made up of a truly diverse mix of nations, the product of a pioneering history that attracted armies, adventurers and travellers from all corners of the world. They came to farm the land, to prospect for minerals, to hunt big game, or as businessmen to trade and prosper from the many economic opportunities that arose as the region developed. Others arrived from Europe to lay the railway from Maputo to Pretoria.
Today the names of the descendants of these pioneers are often remembered in the names of towns mountains and rivers across the province.
The Land
High up on an outcrop of granite overlooking the Sabie River, 25 000 years ago, a San hunter stands poised, taking in every movement on the plain below. This is Africa. The great sky and the silence so characteristic of Mpumalanga, great herds of game moving cautiously towards the river as the sun dips on to the western escarpment. Little has changed, and today we can savour the same thrill of the wild, albeit in more secure and comfortable circumstances.
North West Mpumalanga
The north western bushveld region of Mpumalanga is an area of great beauty. Typical of Africa, it is the home of the Ndebele people. The region is also a meeting place of other groups, including the Tswana to the west and the Pedi to the north.
The art and culture of the Ndebele is as unique as it is distinctive, and a visit to this region would not be complete without a stop at its various villages and art centres. The typical style of art, both beadwork and house paintings, possesses a freshness of colour and interpretation which has been developed within the communities and which reflects the ever changing social environment.
The tourism region of Vuka-Tsoga (meaning "wake up - arise") has the advantage of being situated just one hour from Pretoria and an hour and a half from Johannesburg, accessed easily via major routes, and is an ideal destination for day trips and weekends. Further north west a vast stretch of bushveld is the site of a number of nature reserves; here the visitor will find peace and tranquillity among the animals and birds of this richly diverse region.
Southern grass and wetlands
The two tourism regions of south eastern Mpumalanga and the southern grass and wetlands take in the towns of Piet Retief, Amsterdam, Wakkerstroom and Volksrust, across the southern most sector of Mpumalanga against the KwaZulu-Natal border. The sites of the three principal battles of the first Anglo Boer War of 1881 are located at and near Majuba outside Volksrust.
This is an area of exceptional beauty and interest to the tourist; an area of rolling hills and deep valleys with a temperate climate. Wakkerstroom is one of the prime birding sites in Southern Africa, where 29 bird species are either endemic or near endemic to the region. The region is also a centre for hikers, hang gliders, mountain bikers and anglers.
Tourist accommodation is well provided by a number of country hotels, guest houses and bed and breakfast establishments.
Mpumalanga is now a modern and progressive region in South Africa, where the old and the new combine to create a truly exceptional atmosphere for tourism. Modern hotels and guest houses, private game reserves and lodges all provide for the needs of the visitor, while conference facilities, sporting activities, historic tours and game viewing are available through an excellent transport network of road, rail and air.#UbuntuBami
Meet SP Dube
I'm SP Dube. I work under entertainment industry director of SPDUBE PTY LTD under we have SPDUBE SOUND where we hire out sound, stage, lights, projectors and generators. We also have SPDUBE PARK we rent out decks a venue for events.
I started hustling when I was in high school doing grade 10 in 2009. I was selling sweets. Sweets hustling sent me to photography got myself a camera. I pushed both photos and sweets till 2011. In 2011 I was still doing grade 11 and I was 21 years (don't ask what happened 😂). My mom gave me R3000 for my 21st birthday party. I spent R1000 for the party. I took R2000 with my profit from the business and bought small-anyana sound equipment for my shows since I was doing stand up comedy. Surprisingly in 2012 one of the neighbours decided to hire my sound equipment. She used it and told her friend about my services.
During my comedy journey with programs directing. I noticed that DJs were always late with sound. So when I went to MC the event. The organiser used to say we have to start now but we no longer getting the DJ on his personal.Then I would say I know someone with sound system but he will need cash upfront and he is very stubborn. If you can give me money and someone who will pick up, I can make sure that I come back with it. That when clients grow that was 2012
In 2013 I had to stop everything since I was doing my grade 12 and I did very well. In 2014 I went to college for Radio Production. I registered a company but I couldn't work since I was very busy.
2015 I was doing my internship in one of the Radio Station around Durban. And went back to sound business. It ran from there till now.
When I was in high school I was blessed with a home where I was an owner but I was still living with parent until. In 2016 I noticed that I wasn't ready to be a father of the house. I changed my home to the events venue. I've been doing event there till 2018 and other events organisers started to hire the venue until now. It was called a MUSIC SPACE now it called SPDUBE PARK Mariannhill.
Challenges are every day thing. My biggest challenge when I was starting was to manage a company until I did Small Business trainings. They are there, a lot of them and somewhere somehow they free of charge e.g NYDA National Youth Development Agency. You come back with great skill there with free of charge. Also attending Municipality and Department business seminars, it helps a lot cause you meet different people who might need you , also you might need them.
The I advice I can give anyone who like business. Open a business of what you love. So that you will able to stand for it when things are no longer going well. E.g if you love Sport it will be very very hard for you to run agriculture business.
The above story was written by SP Dube himself the man of many talents, he is helping Youths who are talented to keep themselves busy by hosting events.. His place is a place to be... A place where you find different people with different understanding behaving as one... In all the events I attend at SP Garden inever sore corruption or whatsoever everything always well organized.
We thank you Mr Dube for the love that you are showing to the community and to the Artists... I wish you all the best.
Sound is available for hire if you are doing events, ceremony or wedding you can contact Mr SP Dube on his contact number: 0843073303
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Many people that Bible is a fabricated lies, they so believe that king Solomon was a made up story, well let me tell you now King Solomon was a real person his wisdom was real the man lives some thousands of years ago his kingdom reign from 970-931BCE if you think it a fabricated lies research about things that were happening around those years.
It was written in the Bible that Queen of Sheba (Makeda Queen from Ethiopia) did visit king Solomon they have a relationship and have a child called David or Menelik 1,king Solomon in his wisdom he has 700 wives and 300 concubines.
In his wisdom his plan was to have sons all over the world who will grow up to be kings one day and destroy pegan worshipping, but he only have few sons from these many wives and his first born was Menelik but the problem with Menelik was that he was not from the marriage so the kingdom was taken by Rahaboam.
Queen of Sheba is the one who bring Christianity in Afrika long before the story of Jesus was born she adopted the religion of Israelite and she brought a son from the true bloodline of King Solomon... So in Bible they are verses where God is telling Solomon that his kingdom will live forever for the sake of his father David and king Menelik is on the same bloodline that the Bible was telling us about.
Now let talk about Emperor Haile Selassie I who is 326 emperor to sit on the throne in Ethiopia
. King Haile Selassie I was born 1892 in the province of Harar it was said that the day he was born in Ethiopia they were a lot of rain and he was born on 23 July when the season of Leo's Start.. So the rain gives Ethiopians joy because they were expiriancing a draughts so the rain brings hope.. Bare in mind Emperor Haile Selassie having Solomon blood in his DNA and born from the first season of Leo's this is axcatly who was the Revelations 5:5 were talking about when they talk about the Lion of Judah, according to Christianity of Ancient times people their tribes were defined by their birth months... 12 months of the calendar stand for 12 sons of Israel and the month July is under the tribe of Judah... That is how Emperor Haile Selassie got the title "The Counqering Lion of the tribe of Judah plus he was from Solomon bloodline who was the king of Judah
When you look at this picture you will see HIM wearing many crown just like the book of revelations says... Emperor Haile Selassie I was the one who was there before Creation He is the God in flesh Emperor Haile Selassie I once made a statement saying that he is Ori and Ori was known to be the tittle for the first Actual Ori like from the word Orinion, like the word Origin, Original, Originator.. You see you find Ori even in names like w-Or-d, w-Or-ld..... And they is this tittle Kedamawi Haile Selassie, Kedamawi is an Amharic word for Ancient or Holy, this word is similar to the Hebrew word Qedamawi or Qadem means Holy or Ancient so basically Emperor Haile Selassie I was A Ancient man very wise and humble
When he was crowned on 2 November 1932 it was said that 72 Nations came on the coronation of His Impurial Majesty and they bow on his feet calling HIM King of kings and Lord of lord and that what confirmed what the Majesty was saying when he say he was Ori.... In the whole world they are only two people who were called so "King of kings and Lord of lords it was Ausar whom many know him as Osiris it was him this means Ausar and Emperor Haile Selassie is one person and this also is available in the Bible Revelations... Remember before the Bible they were other books who are still there like Egyptian Book of the Death and the Book of coming forth by day, The book of Solomon, the book of Enoch and many more.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey once prophecies about the crowning of a King and when that happens Marcus Garvey was regarded as a prophet.
These are great people who did live among us showed us the path to follow.. Words of these two great men's if you can live by them you will live long. #UbuntuBami
Qedamawi/Kedamawi is Geez word for First and may also mean Old/Holy.
It also similar to many Hebrew words such as Qadem (aforetime, ancient, ancient past or ancient days), Qadem also means to come or to be in front... Qidmah) front or east) Qedmay or Qadmoni (former or first).
Ketem means Gold in both Hebrew and Kemetic and is the same as the word Neb meaning gold or Lord (eg :Nb-n-ktm means gold of Ketem i.e Nubia.
Keep in mind "K" and Q are interchangeable just like T and D thus, Qadem =Ketem becomes Neb.... Haile or Haylu in Amharic means Power, Might, Strength and can be found in the Hebrew language as Chayil, Khayel, Hayel, Hayl with El being the shorter form of the word having the same meaning.
In 2 Chronicles 17:7 we read a character named Ben - Hail or Ben-Hayl (ben-chayil) meaning son of the strength also Halal,Heylel,Helel means Shining one (Light bringer).
However the etymology of the Hebrew Hayl derived from the Kemetic God Harl (Haru, Heru,Horus) since the L is replaced by the Egyptian R and vowels are excluded in etymological studies..
Selassie (Slase, Selase, Salase) means Trinity in Amharic and is related to the Hebrew words such as Shalash meaning three, threefold, triple and Shalosh means three or Triad or Shelish which means 3rd... The name Selassie symbolize the 3 stars in the Sirius system as Sirius A,B,C... The biblical meaning of the name Silas means three or 3rd... Selas means Light in Greek as in Selena the Moon goddess, Sa means Son in Kemet and this word was also associated with the ancient amulet of protection known as SA.... The SA symbol was often depicted with images of Bes, the dwarf God.
Now in the Dogon's cosmology story Po Tolo (Sirius B) and Emeya Tolo (Sirius C) are dwarf stars... Note:Bes is seen as a protector of the child Heru.. The hieroglyphic signs for son of Ra is a goose and the Sun disc, giving the latter's SA and Ra...
By the 5th Dynasty the Pharoah was referred to as the son of Ra or Sa-ra/Sa-res(Sela or Selas).... In Hebrew Abraham's wife name was Sarah meaning princess, lady or to rule... Sarah is a female version of the Sumerian word Sar.... Tefnut is said to be the Dark Goddess Kali in Ancient Sindh(India) representing Sirius C and Tefnut and the God Ra are one.
Hence in Tamil people of Southern India (Dravidian) also stated that Ra or the Eye of Ra is only associated with goddess principal (notably Wadjet,Hathor,Bast,Sekhmet,Tefnut,Nekhbet,and Mut) and Ra in its true overstating should be identified as a female God not a male God...nevertheless, Tefnut is the first Goddess to come from her father Atum and she is seen as the eye of Ra, it should be better written Ra-Tefnet.. Thus this Eye symbolizes the fiery Uraenus (awakened Kundalin) located upon the headress (1st eye) of all the God's.
The eye of Heru is a different concept and like the eye of Shiva represents the first eye or Pineal gland,Thalamus, pituitary gland etc...
Sa-Ra should be Ra the protector as Sirius C.... The name for the star Sirius in Arabic is She-ra or Shera (female Ra/Sa-ra) or Ash-Shera(the Mighty star, Sirius)... Shera =Sept=Sepad=Sheba=Sheva=Shiva symbolize the 7 pointed star of Sirius.
The Amharic word Selassie then becomes the Hebrew Shalosh=Sarosh=Sares(Sa-Ra) means One who awakes and protect in Kemetic.
Selah in the book of Psalms represents (musical) pause i.e the singer was to rest while the instrumental music went on.. This is very common in the reggae musiq, however Selah would become Ser-ah or Ser-aa in Ancient Egypt which means to reveal and exhibit or the great Rock... Sela means rock in Hebrew like the rock hued churches of king lalibela in the shape of the cross or new Jerusalem..
ADI Parashakti =the Eternally limitless power, the Supreme Being...
Neb Heru Sa-Ra meaning Lord Heru the Son of Ra or the Awaken Golden Light of Protection which is Heru of Sirius C (Dogon tribe said Nyan Tolo, Star of women is a planet of Sirius C/Emma ya)...
Heru is associated to Sirius.. Heru Ami Sebtep which means Heru of Sirius and Heru Sept means Heru of Sirius and it also means Heru of the Dog star (Sirius is in Canis Major, the major dog).
Since Neb Heru is Nebiru the sign of Sirius is the cross as well.... Nibiru means planet of the cross or the Crossing in Sumerian scriptures... This is also true origin of the word Hebrew which is derived not from the biblical character name Eber but actually a place in ancient Sumer.. The fact that Abraham's family migrated to Harran from Uri has been taken by scholars to imply that Uri was Abraham's birthplace, but that is not state anywhere in the Bible..
The biblical suffix "I" when applied to a person meant a native of ;Gilead ;so on and so on.. Likewise, Ibri means a native of the place called "Crossing", and that precisely was the Sumerian name for Nippur, Ni-IB-RU the crossing place, the place where the pre-Dilivial grids crosscrossed each other, the original Nevel of earth the olden mission control center.. Nippur is the religious center of the Sumer and where Abraham's father Terah observe the heavens as an astrologer and priest.. However, Nippur was named after the planet Ni.IB.RU.
So in reality the Annunaki (Black God's) are real Hebrews (Ibri) i.e people of earth would be called Earthlings by extraterrestrial race etc...
Qedamawi Haile Selassie is Neb Heru Sa-Ra.. In ancient Kemet and Nibiru Sar in Sumer =The Sar is 3,600 earth years, was the orbital period of Nibiru between the Sirius star system and our solar system
Note: the closest word to the Sumerian Nibiru in Ethiopic is Neberu meaning they Sat i.e they were Enthroned. They refering to the Neteru or God's thus you see why HIM chose his baptismal name as his throne name... In the book of Revelations John sees 24 elders sitting upon 24 thrones and Ezikiel saw God in his movable throne chariot
Who is Melody Ngwane?
Igama uMelody wakwa Ngwazi oseMlazi ngokhlala owenza umculo wohlobo lwe Afro jazz.
Uqale ukcula ngo1990 ecula I gospel kwi Peace lovers, by 1994 wajoyina iband "Ukunqoba kweNkosi) wathola ithuba lokurekhoda nanomsebenzi wakhe owaze wafinyelela kuGospel Gold.
Ngo2003 ujoyine iSinikithemba choir wathola ithuba lokuyocula phesheya emazweni afana nabo Los Angeles, New York city and DC Washington.. She did perform at the conference in United Nations Conference in DC Washington that where she met Kofi Anan who was a primier of that time and she also met Bill Clinton who was a president of that time.
By 2005 she visited England for work she was there to do the song with sir Elton John the Lion King song "Settle of Life"
That where she met David barckam and his wife, she also visited the castle of queen Elizabeth.
In her return she started her own band in 2006, in 2010 her band got gigs to perform at world's cup conference, and she met Mxolisi Majozi (Zulu Boy) who put her in studio and they recorded songs for the second time
After that she registered her own company called AmaNgwane Afro music, under her company she released a new single and take a video for the same song called Mazibuye lezonkomo
Uksebenza kwakhe kube sekuphazamiseka ngo2020 sekmele aye koThwasa.
Beside umusiq uMelody Ngwazi ungumuntu ophiwe sdalwa uyakwazi uksebenzisa izandla zakhe unomsebenzi wezandla awenzayo aphinde afundise ngawo ubuye abe ngumbhali wezincwadi futhi and kuningi asedlule kukhona njengomuntu emgikholwa ukuthi kuningi abantu abangakfunda ngempilo kasisi Melody Ngwazi
Umsebenzi wakhe wezandla uwenza ngobuhlalo angakwenzela okokugqoka using beads and she is willing to educate noma ubani ofuna ukfunda lomsebenzi wezandla
Who is K Melodic?
Kwanele Melodic Ntinga most affictionately known as K-Melodic in the Industry, of which is the name she got for having a melodious voice and making good musiq.
K-Melodic is an artist who seeks to address the issues/challenges faced by the youths through the culture of music hence she doesn't have a specific genre that she's is doing, she's a jack of all trades so she can accommodate everyone since we all don't listen to the same type of music.
Born and bred in UMlazi township Kwanele aims to use her musiq which she describes as to bring change into her community to heal and give hope and strength to those souls that have given up.
K-Melodic started recording in 2017 at Masterplan Entertainments which is a recording label she's signed under, K-Melodic is also a part of an initiative called Different Folks which aims at tackling challenges of artists and community youth through poetry and music.
K-Melodic is signed under Masterplan Entertainment which is the one of the biggest studios in the township mostly known for grooming and producing one of the biggest artists in Mzansi which are Mnqobi Yazo,Musiholic and Khumza.
K-Melodic was previously invited to I ntokozo FM for interview where some of her songs was played, she also had a interview with EDL Musicafe and been invited to perform at the NALEFEM organization event which is an organization that aims to fight the challenges that communities go through and to fight for women's.
K-Melodic has recorded many songs but they are these two amazing songs she released late Last year 2021, which are Imizamo Yami and Ntaba Awugudluke that were produced by Plan B producer at Masterplan Entertainment.
Those songs are mostly played by youths and they love them.
Facebook page :K-Melodic ZA
Instagram : K-Melodic99
Twitter :Kwanelemelodic
Tik Tok :kwanelemelodic
Monday, September 19, 2022
They only show what you want to see and tell you what you want to hear but they don't tell you the truth about things that is happening around you while you are not aware... Like abduction many children's have gone missing nobody knows where to and their stories disappear on tin air... I remember some years ago some teenagers from Pretoria burn a teen girl alive saying they were sacrificing her to Satan and what the media says the kids were under age don't know what they were doing and they never arrested even on this day we never heard anything about them.. John Nel killed several Black's for no reason he was seen on pictures laughing when he was taken by cops later they reported that he was was not well mentally so they will send him to mental facilities but we not sure if that did happen or not because the media no longer says anything about that but the fact is innocent souls died on the hand of that rascal John Nel...
You see in industry alot of people want to be femous but few of them know what does it takes to get there. You see most of these celebrities have done some real sacrifices to be where they are today and most of them are not happy because of the decision they made while they were still hungry for fame... So this is eye opener to many of us that you must always use your brain to think and taking decisions not your stomach because you might regret it later when you stomach is full...
You see the industry is like education system where they offer bursaries to intelligence students so that students can further their education but in real fact these companies doesn't care about the students who are struggling no they are just care about profit that is why they investing on these intelligent students so that after they finish graduating they offer them jobs where these students must pay back the money with interest... Do you think it fair for a children to give them debts when they are not even working? When they start to work already they owe these entities huge amount of money.. Imali abangakaze bayiphathe ngezabo izandla.
So in industry they targeted those people who are loved by many their offer them deals that will change their lives, but the deal includes human sacrifice when you turn them down it your end. They will end your life because they know you will expose them.. If bebona ukuthi you are a real big deal before killing you they clone you... I know alot of you people don't believe in cloning but I want you to ask yourself if they are able to create chickens, goats and cows what can stop to create a person.. Indeed it is real happening clones are being made Kalvin Hurt was cloned he even say it himself, Hopsin was cloned and changed into Gucci man, Dave chaphel was cloned.. I'm sure even here in South Afrika we have celebraties who have been cloned... Their reason of cloning people is that they want to get full control of that person they fail to control, remember that they first offer you the best deal that will change your life forever and if you refuse alot of bad things will happen to you until you die... Remember Michael Jackson try to warn us about the musiq industry saying that Tony Montana is a devil lot of people laughing at Mike and the next thing Michael Jackson was killed... Tupac Shakura was killed because they fail to control him, he never wanted to be brought so they killed him and cloned him. Nelson Mandela was a freedom fighter they sore that people love him so they captured him and make a clone of him.. I remember back in 70s when when he went to Ethiopia to meet Emperor Haile Selassie I, he told the Emperor that the oppression is real in South Afrika and people are fighting to have what is theirs... Later he was arrested later released. When he was out he told all Black men's and women's that the war is over they must take all their weapons and throw it in the sea...our people were so excited about Black president so they did that but it was a plan of oppressors to disarming Black people... When the man like Chris Hani sees it they murder him because Chris is not like Nelson can't be brought so they decide to kill him while grooming other puppets to take over after Mandela play his part... They trained Thabo Mbeki to be their lapdog he finally did.. And when he realized what was happening and the plan beyond everything they removed him.... Even today lots of people hate Mbeki because they believe he was cruelly because he once says ARVs must be burned because HIV is a lie... Lot of people died during that process. But what he was trying to say is that ARVs can't cure but they were created to destroy you.. Another one was Jacob Zuma they use him and put him into power because he was uneducated so they wanted to use him.. When they realize that the man is wise and intelligent natural they created lot of stories that will tarnish his name.. They wanted to kill us with Ebola and Zuma refuse so that raise hatrance to this entities so they plot to take him out and replace him with their well trained puppet Ramaphosa iwont say much about him coz you already know.
But what I want to let you know is that these media people don't trust everything they say... World is not greener as they potrai it... Some real shit is happening around us but we are not aware because we have been programed to be submittive slaves... You see the truth is always in front of our eyes but we don't see it because we don't know what it looks like.... But I want you to look at the name program and it's meaning than you will understand what they are saying when they say TV programs... They use these femous people to bring distraction on humanity for example if you see something in TV Ads, advertised by a celebrity many people will need that product but nobody takes their time to learn about these products always shown on our TV screens their side effects... Homosexuality they make it normal through media, they use these celebrities as a tools of luring innocents and unaware souls into this world of lies and when you look at these celebrities they become drugs addicts it because of depression they are going through it because of the deals they signed not knowing the consequences... So we need to educate ourselves on what is really happening we need to know our enemies.
For instance they created diseases and later claim to have cure of the same disease they created and once they gave you cure you will worship calling them heroes when they are actually demons who feed on our ignorance #UbuntuBami #Ubuntutheankhfoundation
Saturday, September 17, 2022
What have we become?
We use to be have humanity, sharing love and kindness in the world..we use to be the leaders of righteousness.. My people use to be scared of ihlazo... Back in the days you were never allowed to have a girlfriend when you are under the age of 25 years even kissing a girl was a crime on those days... On those days boys were groomed to become mens they were trained to survive in the world of adults they were told how to behave in the community and the world particularly.
Today we no longer have those kind of elders who spend their lives grooming boys to become men's that is why today you find men's who behave like boys they are still boys with boys mentality because nobody told them how the man behave and treat himself and others...
Amantombazane back in the days bekuyi imbali zesizwe igugu lesizwe amantombazane abehlonishwa kangangokuba ubungeke uvane ujole nengane yabantu uyimithise mese uyishiya kanjalo njengoba kwenzeka manje.. Ngalesaskhathi uma usuyishelile intombi nakhona iskhathi eside emva kwaleso skhathi eside Kade uyincenga uma isikuqomile kuba khona lolusiko olwenziwayo lokmiswa kweduku lapho izofika kini ihamba nezintombi zangakubo ziholwa enye intombi ebizwa ngeQhikiza.. Uma zifika kini lena ekungeyakho ifike ikunike ucu olwenziwe ngobuhlalo kumiswe iduku elimhlophe Emveni kwalokho isgodi sonke sesiyazi ukuthi intombi ewusbanibani ithanda kwabani kangangokuba uma ingabonakala yenza umshendezo kuyicala elibomvu ishende lalihlawuliswa ngisho inkomo.. Nomfazi womuntu naye ubengashelwa uma kwenzekile wahlobonga lona ahlobonge naye wayethathelwa izinyathelo ezijulile akhokhiswe nezinkomo eyenhlawulo neyokugeza umuzi womnumzane.
Lowo mthetho awusekho namhlanje abafazi baphinga udede ngoba namashende a yazi angeke athathelwe izinyathelo.
And what I observed most of the problems we have as a country especially gender based violence came from this situation yokungaziphathi kahle kwabantu not a besfazane kuphela but abantu in general.. The food that we eat making us horny in such a way that it clash with our way of thinking ngendlela yokuthi sgcine sescabanga ucansi above everything else.. If you think I'm lying just do your research on porn sites how many views they have per day how many subscribers and visit sites of consciousness and see how many views they have per day... As a nation this thing make us loose focus.. How many news you hear everyday of some marriage that not went well because someone is cheating on his /her partner?
You see the problem is that men's didn't get directions so they live as they feel nobody told about wrong and right and about the consequences of doing wrong for example if a men sleep with a virgin and take away the virginity of a girl or woman he must pay a cow it doesn't matter weather they broke up after the virginity was taken away but leso sekuyisikweletu esyohlala sikumele impilo yakho yonke even when you no longer alive izingane zakho kyomele zisikhokhe.. You see sometimes ubona izinto ngathi azikuhambeli kahle kanti ilamavirgins owawulala nawo uthatha ubuntombi bawo qede ushaye utshani.. Mhlawumbe wena ngalokho uzibona uyiskhokho but in truth and honest fact is that you are a thief That stealing cows ezibayeni zabanumzane.. And from those kraal you stole from they are Ankhsestors who are looking over them protecting them.. Just think about what they will do to you for stealing umcebo wezingane zabo.. Because once the girl is no longer a virgin the cows of lobola negotiation decrease and when the girl fall pregnant another cow is minused.. The more kids she have the lest cows they are about to be payed for Lobola negotiations.. You see we need those elders who will teach us about those kind of things you see now we have lot of male child's who grow fatherless and that becomes a big problem in our society because every male child needs father figure to give guidance someone who will teach male child to value a woman love them and protect them so that they will grow up knowing what is their role in life..
But today we have people who taking every thing for a joke even serious matter they are laughing stock to them if you confront them they laugh at you and call you Mr serious or Mr perfect we are slowly going on the point where we gonna regret the time we waist all ourselves lives making jokes about the situation that is affecting us instead of trying to find ways to make it right.. Leskhathi esisimoshayo kumasocial network sibusy senza amahlaya khona abantu bezosbuka bahleke eskhundleni sokuba sisungula amabusness sisebenzise wona lamaplatforms ukumaketha umsebenzi wethu but asikwenzi lokho.. I know these social media platforms are just for fun but for us as Black people we have no time to be funny while crime rate is high corruption is high while our people still have no jobs while our economy is falling apart, food prices getting higher and higher but we don't talk about that.. Like how much fucktup our education is to our people or we don't see it that way.. But it is the fact that education system was never created to empower us to sharpen us so that we can be able think for ourselves and be creative.... But it was created for us to be educated slaves that understands what masters say...
Thina be sphila kamnandi eMandulo siphila ngemthetho kaMvelinqangi I mthetho yeMvelo nale ebekwe amaKhosi so bayishintsha yonke leyomthetho basinikeza eyabo evumelana nabo evuna bona futhi njengeBilly of Rights for instance... You see thina as abantu abamnyama asikabi nayo I power yokuzphathela izinto zethu ingakho nomcebo wethu usasezandleni zondlebezikhanyilanga ngoba thina basiqeqeshele ukuthi singaziboni singabantu abafanelekile ukuzphathela izinto zabo, basenze sazibona singeke sibe I lutho ngaphandle kwabo... Kanti ngaphandle kwabo sasingamakhosi nababusi, ngaphandle kwabo sasibakhulu emhlabeni wase Ankhebulan (Afrika) bafika necivilization yabo.. They introduce money to us something we never know about they introduce their education so that my people can have small understanding about this scam they call money.. They told our kings to stop punishing those who do wrong by killing them they told our kings that they will need those men's they kill so they came up with jail after money was introduced the jail system was introduced as well and King Dingane was the first king ukvalelwa kulelojele.. Yes it happening even on this day most yalabantu akade besebenza ukwakha amajele imost yabo I kuwona lawomajele iboshiwe...
Uma leskhathi esichithayo sbukela izindaba ezingathi Shu noklokhane sizama ukzenza osomahlaya ababhedayo we must use this time to create something thoughtful like online business, let's promote each others businesses mhlawumbe umngani wakho wenza umculo msaphothe ngaleskhathi osisebenzisa ukbuka amavideo ocansi at least buka amavideo wakhe umkhuphulele amaviews akwazi ukukhokheleka naye.. Ngoba iplan ileyo kwayisekqaleni ukuthi kumele sikhuphulane oserite a size ozamayo ukuze sibe rite sonke mhlawumbe ke from lapho sesingaqala sbheke namahlaya coz sobe singasenankinga zonke izinkinga zethu sezixazululekile #UbuntuMusiq #UbuntuBami #Ubuntutheankhfoundation
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Singabantu lesifo Ave sisibulala futhi isona esenza singaphumeleli as abantu.. Futhi lesi sifo simandla kakhulu kthina bantu abampisholo siyamonelana omunye uma ezama eskhundleni sokuthi simeseke sizomtshela ngokuthi imzamo yakhe izofeyila kanjan.. Impilo iskhathi esiningi siyibuka ngowrong sihlezi sfuna uwrong kunoma ngabe yini into enhle eyenzekayo..
Njengamanje ngzokhuluma ngami mina Mandulo ngenza umculo and ngizwana nabantu... Iskhathi esiningi labantu engzwana nabo bayawuncoma umculo wami bathi umnandi kodwa kubona bambalwa abasawuthengile umculo wami abanye bananesbindi sokungicela ukuthi ngibaphe wona kodwa bayakwazi ukbhema insangu ebizayo manje namanje.. Abanye baziwa njengabancolisi bamatafula lapho bephuza khona kodwa kbona kunzima ukukhipha uR80 umuntu at henge icd yami angixhase... Uthi uyabheka izinto akazigqokile iteku lakhe lingawuthenga wonke uwodrobe wami kodwa kyena kunzima ukungxhasa ngoR140 for ama album ami amabili umuzwe ethi ngfisa ngathi ungaphumelela ntwana.. Lapho sengyazi izenzo izona ezikhulumayo than umlomo ngoba umlomo usho noma yini.
Mhlawumbe ke abasixhasi nje ngoba basaba ukuthi sizosuka sibe ncono empilweni sfane nabo size sbadlule kanti bona abakfuni lokho kepha bafuna ukukhulekwa... Lowo ke zingane zakwethu umona lokho ukcabanga okunjalo kuvela enqondweni yomuntu ogcwele I nzondo umuntu owazi ukuthi izinto ezinhle zifanele yena kphela..
Buka nje abantu bakithi besfazane bayakwazi ukukhipha imali bathenge amacici abiza imali engaphezu kukaR100 and lawomacici mawuthi uyabheka awenziwanga umuntu omnyama kodwa uma uMandulo ethi amacici awadayisayo ezenzele wona ethi uR50 bathi ngyabiza bathi abanye bayafika ukungxhasa manje Inkinga ngyabiza uthi uyambheka lomuntu osho lokho ugqoke izingubo zenani eliphezulu ksuka phansi kuyaphezulu uyazibonela nje ukuthi imali ithi gogo la kyena kodwa abe nesbindi sokuthi amacici engiwadayisa ngoR50 ayabiza.. Iyona knye lementality ekfanele singabi nayo ukuze sidlondlobale siyisizwe sabaNsundu ngoba uma singazifundisa ukwesekana kukhona konke okuyimzamo abantu bakithi abayizamayo singathuthuka sgcine sfana namazwe afana noCuba no Russia.. Sikfake emqondweni yethu ukuthi umuntu omnyama ucapable naye futhi uyakudezeva ukwesekwa uwena ngalendlela oseka ngayo bonke labantu bezizwe abangakwazi futhi abenganandaba nawe unlike mina I'm your brother usizi lwethu luyafana.. Myb uncono kunami but uma ungangeseka nami ngingaba ncono njengawe kuthi mhla sekunzima kube imina ozoktakula akwenze ube ncono phela izandla zyagezana sisho njalo isiNtu.. So bantu bakithi umona asiwuyeke angeke usiyise ndawo as isizwe knalokho usbuyisela emuva #UbuntuMusiq #UbuntuBami #Ubuntutheankhfoundation
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