Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Who is Melzedeck?

Today I would like to talk about great man in history of all time.. Great man to ever walk on planet Earth his name is Melzedeck of whom many know him as the one who is motherless and fatherless. Here is the truth about Him he did have parents his mother was Sophonin the sister of mother of Noah and his father was Niri... Sophonin fall pregnant while she was still a virgin they never had sex with Niri but she became pregnant... She told her sister mother of Noah and during those years sex before marriage was a real sin that one who did it must face punishment which is death... When Sophonin told Niri about pregnancy Niri get disappointed and angry at the same time like the woman that he loves whole heartedly betray him during those difficult times Niri have heart attack and die because of this news... Mother of Noah and lamech father of Noah came with the idea that Sophonin must hide into the cave that nobody needs to know about this pregnancy.. They find the cave and when days came Sophonin gave birth to a male child and she died after that. It was said that the child was born wearing black garment and he have a priest badge on his chest and it was also said that the child was already speaking when he was born and the only words he utter was praises to the Most High.. He was taken by the Angels and hide him to the first heaven..nobody knew his existence. Time goes by until in the world they is full of corruption and greedy.... Before that they were Angels who sore women's and they fall for them impregnated them and they bore children's who are different from the people of that time "the Nephilim.. That where great worriours like Nemrod were born and even created the tower with hope it will reach heaven so that whenever they want something from God the Creator they go straight to him. So this is the reason why God decides to destroy the world because of this wickedness.. In all but God fnd one honest man of which is Noah and he send his Angels to talk to him and tell him to build a Ark because God the Most High will destroy the world.. Noah did build a Ark during those years he was a laughing stock they even call him old fool who always talk nonsense because he use to warn them to repent before it too late nobody listen to him until the great flood take place for 40 years.. After 40years Noah came out of the Ark with his family, his wife, sons and their wives and children's.. New life began. On Noah's Descendant we find the man called Abram who was later called Abraham he was descendant of Noah by one of his son Shem.. Abraham grow up to be a honest man and a spiritual person.. During those years nobody believes to God the Most High they were worshipping idols and Abraham's father Thera was astrologer and also a craftsman who was was sculpting idols and sell them.. He use to ask Abraham to go and sell those idols and Abraham will go and destroy them so this cause conflict between father and son that cause them to walk separate ways. Years later when Abraham is older and having wife.. After a battle with some powerful kings that is when he first met Melzedeck and that is the first time Melzedeck was mentioned in the Bible.. So Melzedeck honor Abraham for his bravery and gave him bread and wine and the bread was not for anyone but Priests.. So Melzedeck was a priest of the Most High and him was the only man who knows Most High.. So he teaches Abraham the way to seek Most High's love he teach him how to pray and what to do when you need to connect with God the Most High. You see God the Most High love Abraham he believes in him Abraham during those days he have no children's but he already has 318 soldiers ers that was trained by him.. So God Most High knows that Abraham if he is able to train men's to become soldiers and fight and overcome his enemies that man would be able to raise a nation of great people who are powerful and wise that is why he was chosen and given a new name from Abram to Abraham means Father of the nations. So it was said that Melzedeck was a King and a Priest of the Most High and of the land called Salem(place of God's /the land of Peace) he is the one who was teaching people how to communicate with the Most High and he was a great man of all times that is why even today they is no priest greater than him.. Even all the so called priests they are called under the Order of Melzedeck which is the only priestical order ever existed What we need to know is that Melzedeck never died like Enoch he ascend to heaven and come back again over and over again. There was a man who was named Prince Charles Edward who later known Prince Immanuel the 7th he was found on the river bank by Edward family that gave him name Charles Edward and shelter.. People love him so much that they even call him their Prince that where the name Prince came from. When they ask his name the Edward family he told them that his name is Immanuel no second name or whatsoever.. Prince Charles Edward is now known as Holy Immanuel the 7th him is reincarnation of Melzedeck his life was all about righteousness just like Melzedeck just like the name Melzedeck which means King of Peace and yes Holy Immanuel was known as the Prince of peace always chanting repatriation telling Afrikans abroad to go back to Afrika where the foundation of humanity is at just like Marcus Garvey. Today we have Rasta community who has been called children's of Melzedeck others Bobo Ashanti these two communities in Rastafari movement they are Priest and Priestess they are the ones who stand in the alter and continue doing what the Ancient priest were doing continue following the teachings and the other of Melzedeck even on this day.. Let honor and respect the wisedom of the great king of Salem and let's us charish his deeds because of him we know how to get closer to our Creator. Peace!! #UbuntuBami #Ubuntutheankhfoundation

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