Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Many people that Bible is a fabricated lies, they so believe that king Solomon was a made up story, well let me tell you now King Solomon was a real person his wisdom was real the man lives some thousands of years ago his kingdom reign from 970-931BCE if you think it a fabricated lies research about things that were happening around those years. It was written in the Bible that Queen of Sheba (Makeda Queen from Ethiopia) did visit king Solomon they have a relationship and have a child called David or Menelik 1,king Solomon in his wisdom he has 700 wives and 300 concubines. In his wisdom his plan was to have sons all over the world who will grow up to be kings one day and destroy pegan worshipping, but he only have few sons from these many wives and his first born was Menelik but the problem with Menelik was that he was not from the marriage so the kingdom was taken by Rahaboam. Queen of Sheba is the one who bring Christianity in Afrika long before the story of Jesus was born she adopted the religion of Israelite and she brought a son from the true bloodline of King Solomon... So in Bible they are verses where God is telling Solomon that his kingdom will live forever for the sake of his father David and king Menelik is on the same bloodline that the Bible was telling us about. Now let talk about Emperor Haile Selassie I who is 326 emperor to sit on the throne in Ethiopia
. King Haile Selassie I was born 1892 in the province of Harar it was said that the day he was born in Ethiopia they were a lot of rain and he was born on 23 July when the season of Leo's Start.. So the rain gives Ethiopians joy because they were expiriancing a draughts so the rain brings hope.. Bare in mind Emperor Haile Selassie having Solomon blood in his DNA and born from the first season of Leo's this is axcatly who was the Revelations 5:5 were talking about when they talk about the Lion of Judah, according to Christianity of Ancient times people their tribes were defined by their birth months... 12 months of the calendar stand for 12 sons of Israel and the month July is under the tribe of Judah... That is how Emperor Haile Selassie got the title "The Counqering Lion of the tribe of Judah plus he was from Solomon bloodline who was the king of Judah
When you look at this picture you will see HIM wearing many crown just like the book of revelations says... Emperor Haile Selassie I was the one who was there before Creation He is the God in flesh Emperor Haile Selassie I once made a statement saying that he is Ori and Ori was known to be the tittle for the first Actual Ori like from the word Orinion, like the word Origin, Original, Originator.. You see you find Ori even in names like w-Or-d, w-Or-ld..... And they is this tittle Kedamawi Haile Selassie, Kedamawi is an Amharic word for Ancient or Holy, this word is similar to the Hebrew word Qedamawi or Qadem means Holy or Ancient so basically Emperor Haile Selassie I was A Ancient man very wise and humble
When he was crowned on 2 November 1932 it was said that 72 Nations came on the coronation of His Impurial Majesty and they bow on his feet calling HIM King of kings and Lord of lord and that what confirmed what the Majesty was saying when he say he was Ori.... In the whole world they are only two people who were called so "King of kings and Lord of lords it was Ausar whom many know him as Osiris it was him this means Ausar and Emperor Haile Selassie is one person and this also is available in the Bible Revelations... Remember before the Bible they were other books who are still there like Egyptian Book of the Death and the Book of coming forth by day, The book of Solomon, the book of Enoch and many more. Marcus Mosiah Garvey once prophecies about the crowning of a King and when that happens Marcus Garvey was regarded as a prophet. These are great people who did live among us showed us the path to follow.. Words of these two great men's if you can live by them you will live long. #UbuntuBami Qedamawi/Kedamawi is Geez word for First and may also mean Old/Holy. It also similar to many Hebrew words such as Qadem (aforetime, ancient, ancient past or ancient days), Qadem also means to come or to be in front... Qidmah) front or east) Qedmay or Qadmoni (former or first). Ketem means Gold in both Hebrew and Kemetic and is the same as the word Neb meaning gold or Lord (eg :Nb-n-ktm means gold of Ketem i.e Nubia. Keep in mind "K" and Q are interchangeable just like T and D thus, Qadem =Ketem becomes Neb.... Haile or Haylu in Amharic means Power, Might, Strength and can be found in the Hebrew language as Chayil, Khayel, Hayel, Hayl with El being the shorter form of the word having the same meaning. In 2 Chronicles 17:7 we read a character named Ben - Hail or Ben-Hayl (ben-chayil) meaning son of the strength also Halal,Heylel,Helel means Shining one (Light bringer). However the etymology of the Hebrew Hayl derived from the Kemetic God Harl (Haru, Heru,Horus) since the L is replaced by the Egyptian R and vowels are excluded in etymological studies.. Selassie (Slase, Selase, Salase) means Trinity in Amharic and is related to the Hebrew words such as Shalash meaning three, threefold, triple and Shalosh means three or Triad or Shelish which means 3rd... The name Selassie symbolize the 3 stars in the Sirius system as Sirius A,B,C... The biblical meaning of the name Silas means three or 3rd... Selas means Light in Greek as in Selena the Moon goddess, Sa means Son in Kemet and this word was also associated with the ancient amulet of protection known as SA.... The SA symbol was often depicted with images of Bes, the dwarf God. Now in the Dogon's cosmology story Po Tolo (Sirius B) and Emeya Tolo (Sirius C) are dwarf stars... Note:Bes is seen as a protector of the child Heru.. The hieroglyphic signs for son of Ra is a goose and the Sun disc, giving the latter's SA and Ra... By the 5th Dynasty the Pharoah was referred to as the son of Ra or Sa-ra/Sa-res(Sela or Selas).... In Hebrew Abraham's wife name was Sarah meaning princess, lady or to rule... Sarah is a female version of the Sumerian word Sar.... Tefnut is said to be the Dark Goddess Kali in Ancient Sindh(India) representing Sirius C and Tefnut and the God Ra are one. Hence in Tamil people of Southern India (Dravidian) also stated that Ra or the Eye of Ra is only associated with goddess principal (notably Wadjet,Hathor,Bast,Sekhmet,Tefnut,Nekhbet,and Mut) and Ra in its true overstating should be identified as a female God not a male God...nevertheless, Tefnut is the first Goddess to come from her father Atum and she is seen as the eye of Ra, it should be better written Ra-Tefnet.. Thus this Eye symbolizes the fiery Uraenus (awakened Kundalin) located upon the headress (1st eye) of all the God's. The eye of Heru is a different concept and like the eye of Shiva represents the first eye or Pineal gland,Thalamus, pituitary gland etc... Sa-Ra should be Ra the protector as Sirius C.... The name for the star Sirius in Arabic is She-ra or Shera (female Ra/Sa-ra) or Ash-Shera(the Mighty star, Sirius)... Shera =Sept=Sepad=Sheba=Sheva=Shiva symbolize the 7 pointed star of Sirius. The Amharic word Selassie then becomes the Hebrew Shalosh=Sarosh=Sares(Sa-Ra) means One who awakes and protect in Kemetic. Selah in the book of Psalms represents (musical) pause i.e the singer was to rest while the instrumental music went on.. This is very common in the reggae musiq, however Selah would become Ser-ah or Ser-aa in Ancient Egypt which means to reveal and exhibit or the great Rock... Sela means rock in Hebrew like the rock hued churches of king lalibela in the shape of the cross or new Jerusalem.. ADI SHAKTI TRIMURTI/THE FIRST POWER OF THE TRINITY ADI Parashakti =the Eternally limitless power, the Supreme Being... Neb Heru Sa-Ra meaning Lord Heru the Son of Ra or the Awaken Golden Light of Protection which is Heru of Sirius C (Dogon tribe said Nyan Tolo, Star of women is a planet of Sirius C/Emma ya)... NEB HERU=NIBIRU=NYAN TOLO Heru is associated to Sirius.. Heru Ami Sebtep which means Heru of Sirius and Heru Sept means Heru of Sirius and it also means Heru of the Dog star (Sirius is in Canis Major, the major dog). Since Neb Heru is Nebiru the sign of Sirius is the cross as well.... Nibiru means planet of the cross or the Crossing in Sumerian scriptures... This is also true origin of the word Hebrew which is derived not from the biblical character name Eber but actually a place in ancient Sumer.. The fact that Abraham's family migrated to Harran from Uri has been taken by scholars to imply that Uri was Abraham's birthplace, but that is not state anywhere in the Bible.. The biblical suffix "I" when applied to a person meant a native of ;Gilead ;so on and so on.. Likewise, Ibri means a native of the place called "Crossing", and that precisely was the Sumerian name for Nippur, Ni-IB-RU the crossing place, the place where the pre-Dilivial grids crosscrossed each other, the original Nevel of earth the olden mission control center.. Nippur is the religious center of the Sumer and where Abraham's father Terah observe the heavens as an astrologer and priest.. However, Nippur was named after the planet Ni.IB.RU. So in reality the Annunaki (Black God's) are real Hebrews (Ibri) i.e people of earth would be called Earthlings by extraterrestrial race etc... Qedamawi Haile Selassie is Neb Heru Sa-Ra.. In ancient Kemet and Nibiru Sar in Sumer =The Sar is 3,600 earth years, was the orbital period of Nibiru between the Sirius star system and our solar system Note: the closest word to the Sumerian Nibiru in Ethiopic is Neberu meaning they Sat i.e they were Enthroned. They refering to the Neteru or God's thus you see why HIM chose his baptismal name as his throne name... In the book of Revelations John sees 24 elders sitting upon 24 thrones and Ezikiel saw God in his movable throne chariot

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