Saturday, September 17, 2022

What have we become?

We use to be have humanity, sharing love and kindness in the world..we use to be the leaders of righteousness.. My people use to be scared of ihlazo... Back in the days you were never allowed to have a girlfriend when you are under the age of 25 years even kissing a girl was a crime on those days... On those days boys were groomed to become mens they were trained to survive in the world of adults they were told how to behave in the community and the world particularly. Today we no longer have those kind of elders who spend their lives grooming boys to become men's that is why today you find men's who behave like boys they are still boys with boys mentality because nobody told them how the man behave and treat himself and others... Amantombazane back in the days bekuyi imbali zesizwe igugu lesizwe amantombazane abehlonishwa kangangokuba ubungeke uvane ujole nengane yabantu uyimithise mese uyishiya kanjalo njengoba kwenzeka manje.. Ngalesaskhathi uma usuyishelile intombi nakhona iskhathi eside emva kwaleso skhathi eside Kade uyincenga uma isikuqomile kuba khona lolusiko olwenziwayo lokmiswa kweduku lapho izofika kini ihamba nezintombi zangakubo ziholwa enye intombi ebizwa ngeQhikiza.. Uma zifika kini lena ekungeyakho ifike ikunike ucu olwenziwe ngobuhlalo kumiswe iduku elimhlophe Emveni kwalokho isgodi sonke sesiyazi ukuthi intombi ewusbanibani ithanda kwabani kangangokuba uma ingabonakala yenza umshendezo kuyicala elibomvu ishende lalihlawuliswa ngisho inkomo.. Nomfazi womuntu naye ubengashelwa uma kwenzekile wahlobonga lona ahlobonge naye wayethathelwa izinyathelo ezijulile akhokhiswe nezinkomo eyenhlawulo neyokugeza umuzi womnumzane. Lowo mthetho awusekho namhlanje abafazi baphinga udede ngoba namashende a yazi angeke athathelwe izinyathelo. And what I observed most of the problems we have as a country especially gender based violence came from this situation yokungaziphathi kahle kwabantu not a besfazane kuphela but abantu in general.. The food that we eat making us horny in such a way that it clash with our way of thinking ngendlela yokuthi sgcine sescabanga ucansi above everything else.. If you think I'm lying just do your research on porn sites how many views they have per day how many subscribers and visit sites of consciousness and see how many views they have per day... As a nation this thing make us loose focus.. How many news you hear everyday of some marriage that not went well because someone is cheating on his /her partner? You see the problem is that men's didn't get directions so they live as they feel nobody told about wrong and right and about the consequences of doing wrong for example if a men sleep with a virgin and take away the virginity of a girl or woman he must pay a cow it doesn't matter weather they broke up after the virginity was taken away but leso sekuyisikweletu esyohlala sikumele impilo yakho yonke even when you no longer alive izingane zakho kyomele zisikhokhe.. You see sometimes ubona izinto ngathi azikuhambeli kahle kanti ilamavirgins owawulala nawo uthatha ubuntombi bawo qede ushaye utshani.. Mhlawumbe wena ngalokho uzibona uyiskhokho but in truth and honest fact is that you are a thief That stealing cows ezibayeni zabanumzane.. And from those kraal you stole from they are Ankhsestors who are looking over them protecting them.. Just think about what they will do to you for stealing umcebo wezingane zabo.. Because once the girl is no longer a virgin the cows of lobola negotiation decrease and when the girl fall pregnant another cow is minused.. The more kids she have the lest cows they are about to be payed for Lobola negotiations.. You see we need those elders who will teach us about those kind of things you see now we have lot of male child's who grow fatherless and that becomes a big problem in our society because every male child needs father figure to give guidance someone who will teach male child to value a woman love them and protect them so that they will grow up knowing what is their role in life.. But today we have people who taking every thing for a joke even serious matter they are laughing stock to them if you confront them they laugh at you and call you Mr serious or Mr perfect we are slowly going on the point where we gonna regret the time we waist all ourselves lives making jokes about the situation that is affecting us instead of trying to find ways to make it right.. Leskhathi esisimoshayo kumasocial network sibusy senza amahlaya khona abantu bezosbuka bahleke eskhundleni sokuba sisungula amabusness sisebenzise wona lamaplatforms ukumaketha umsebenzi wethu but asikwenzi lokho.. I know these social media platforms are just for fun but for us as Black people we have no time to be funny while crime rate is high corruption is high while our people still have no jobs while our economy is falling apart, food prices getting higher and higher but we don't talk about that.. Like how much fucktup our education is to our people or we don't see it that way.. But it is the fact that education system was never created to empower us to sharpen us so that we can be able think for ourselves and be creative.... But it was created for us to be educated slaves that understands what masters say... Thina be sphila kamnandi eMandulo siphila ngemthetho kaMvelinqangi I mthetho yeMvelo nale ebekwe amaKhosi so bayishintsha yonke leyomthetho basinikeza eyabo evumelana nabo evuna bona futhi njengeBilly of Rights for instance... You see thina as abantu abamnyama asikabi nayo I power yokuzphathela izinto zethu ingakho nomcebo wethu usasezandleni zondlebezikhanyilanga ngoba thina basiqeqeshele ukuthi singaziboni singabantu abafanelekile ukuzphathela izinto zabo, basenze sazibona singeke sibe I lutho ngaphandle kwabo... Kanti ngaphandle kwabo sasingamakhosi nababusi, ngaphandle kwabo sasibakhulu emhlabeni wase Ankhebulan (Afrika) bafika necivilization yabo.. They introduce money to us something we never know about they introduce their education so that my people can have small understanding about this scam they call money.. They told our kings to stop punishing those who do wrong by killing them they told our kings that they will need those men's they kill so they came up with jail after money was introduced the jail system was introduced as well and King Dingane was the first king ukvalelwa kulelojele.. Yes it happening even on this day most yalabantu akade besebenza ukwakha amajele imost yabo I kuwona lawomajele iboshiwe... Uma leskhathi esichithayo sbukela izindaba ezingathi Shu noklokhane sizama ukzenza osomahlaya ababhedayo we must use this time to create something thoughtful like online business, let's promote each others businesses mhlawumbe umngani wakho wenza umculo msaphothe ngaleskhathi osisebenzisa ukbuka amavideo ocansi at least buka amavideo wakhe umkhuphulele amaviews akwazi ukukhokheleka naye.. Ngoba iplan ileyo kwayisekqaleni ukuthi kumele sikhuphulane oserite a size ozamayo ukuze sibe rite sonke mhlawumbe ke from lapho sesingaqala sbheke namahlaya coz sobe singasenankinga zonke izinkinga zethu sezixazululekile #UbuntuMusiq #UbuntuBami #Ubuntutheankhfoundation

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