Monday, September 19, 2022


They only show what you want to see and tell you what you want to hear but they don't tell you the truth about things that is happening around you while you are not aware... Like abduction many children's have gone missing nobody knows where to and their stories disappear on tin air... I remember some years ago some teenagers from Pretoria burn a teen girl alive saying they were sacrificing her to Satan and what the media says the kids were under age don't know what they were doing and they never arrested even on this day we never heard anything about them.. John Nel killed several Black's for no reason he was seen on pictures laughing when he was taken by cops later they reported that he was was not well mentally so they will send him to mental facilities but we not sure if that did happen or not because the media no longer says anything about that but the fact is innocent souls died on the hand of that rascal John Nel... You see in industry alot of people want to be femous but few of them know what does it takes to get there. You see most of these celebrities have done some real sacrifices to be where they are today and most of them are not happy because of the decision they made while they were still hungry for fame... So this is eye opener to many of us that you must always use your brain to think and taking decisions not your stomach because you might regret it later when you stomach is full... You see the industry is like education system where they offer bursaries to intelligence students so that students can further their education but in real fact these companies doesn't care about the students who are struggling no they are just care about profit that is why they investing on these intelligent students so that after they finish graduating they offer them jobs where these students must pay back the money with interest... Do you think it fair for a children to give them debts when they are not even working? When they start to work already they owe these entities huge amount of money.. Imali abangakaze bayiphathe ngezabo izandla. So in industry they targeted those people who are loved by many their offer them deals that will change their lives, but the deal includes human sacrifice when you turn them down it your end. They will end your life because they know you will expose them.. If bebona ukuthi you are a real big deal before killing you they clone you... I know alot of you people don't believe in cloning but I want you to ask yourself if they are able to create chickens, goats and cows what can stop to create a person.. Indeed it is real happening clones are being made Kalvin Hurt was cloned he even say it himself, Hopsin was cloned and changed into Gucci man, Dave chaphel was cloned.. I'm sure even here in South Afrika we have celebraties who have been cloned... Their reason of cloning people is that they want to get full control of that person they fail to control, remember that they first offer you the best deal that will change your life forever and if you refuse alot of bad things will happen to you until you die... Remember Michael Jackson try to warn us about the musiq industry saying that Tony Montana is a devil lot of people laughing at Mike and the next thing Michael Jackson was killed... Tupac Shakura was killed because they fail to control him, he never wanted to be brought so they killed him and cloned him. Nelson Mandela was a freedom fighter they sore that people love him so they captured him and make a clone of him.. I remember back in 70s when when he went to Ethiopia to meet Emperor Haile Selassie I, he told the Emperor that the oppression is real in South Afrika and people are fighting to have what is theirs... Later he was arrested later released. When he was out he told all Black men's and women's that the war is over they must take all their weapons and throw it in the sea...our people were so excited about Black president so they did that but it was a plan of oppressors to disarming Black people... When the man like Chris Hani sees it they murder him because Chris is not like Nelson can't be brought so they decide to kill him while grooming other puppets to take over after Mandela play his part... They trained Thabo Mbeki to be their lapdog he finally did.. And when he realized what was happening and the plan beyond everything they removed him.... Even today lots of people hate Mbeki because they believe he was cruelly because he once says ARVs must be burned because HIV is a lie... Lot of people died during that process. But what he was trying to say is that ARVs can't cure but they were created to destroy you.. Another one was Jacob Zuma they use him and put him into power because he was uneducated so they wanted to use him.. When they realize that the man is wise and intelligent natural they created lot of stories that will tarnish his name.. They wanted to kill us with Ebola and Zuma refuse so that raise hatrance to this entities so they plot to take him out and replace him with their well trained puppet Ramaphosa iwont say much about him coz you already know. But what I want to let you know is that these media people don't trust everything they say... World is not greener as they potrai it... Some real shit is happening around us but we are not aware because we have been programed to be submittive slaves... You see the truth is always in front of our eyes but we don't see it because we don't know what it looks like.... But I want you to look at the name program and it's meaning than you will understand what they are saying when they say TV programs... They use these femous people to bring distraction on humanity for example if you see something in TV Ads, advertised by a celebrity many people will need that product but nobody takes their time to learn about these products always shown on our TV screens their side effects... Homosexuality they make it normal through media, they use these celebrities as a tools of luring innocents and unaware souls into this world of lies and when you look at these celebrities they become drugs addicts it because of depression they are going through it because of the deals they signed not knowing the consequences... So we need to educate ourselves on what is really happening we need to know our enemies. For instance they created diseases and later claim to have cure of the same disease they created and once they gave you cure you will worship calling them heroes when they are actually demons who feed on our ignorance #UbuntuBami #Ubuntutheankhfoundation

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