Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Who is the Annunaki?

Anyways lot of people have no idea who are the Anunnaki and who are ANU. So let me break it down. First of all there is a difference between ANU and annunaki. 1. ANU - The Real Cosmic Custodians/Guardians/Seeders. 2. Anunnaki - Fake mesopatamian sumerian human deities, pretending to be ANU to deceive the masses into being worshipped. ■ Annunakis are a group of proclaimed deities of ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians. In the earliest Sumerian which come from the Post-Akkadian period, This Self proclaimed deities built Mesopotamia which was destroyed with floods by the Real ANU travelling within ANU-NABIS/NIBIRU/NEMISIS. ⚠️ This Sumerian imposters stole the name ANU from the Original CUSTODIANS of the YOUNIVERSE and called themselves Anunnaki so that humans can believe and worship them. Henceforth many people today they call Our Custodians Anunnakis instead of just ANU. The ANU are currently enroute Mother TEMARE, coming within SARAS-WATI (MOTHER STAR) called NIBIRU /ANU-NABIS/ NEMISIS, which is a moving GIANT STAR CRAFT 3 times bigger than Mother TEMARE (Earth). NIBIRU is a moving Planet In a form of a Star Craft. ⚠️ The reason why the governments controlled by Our enemies (draconin Reptilians) are currently pushing the Alien invasion agenda through CGI projects like Blue beam, is because they know the Real Custodians/Guardians of the Youniverse are coming back to restore all the sufferings they've been subjecting Mother Earth, BANTU and the rest of the Human race created by BANTU people led by YAHWEHU and the ELOHIM. ⚠️ The Draconian ruling govern-ments (control-minds) is so well designed we don't even feel there's something wrong because we Descended in a very messed up system that has been manipulated for the past 2022 years, so We thought everything is normal. - We think it's normal to work for companies owned By reptilians and reptilian Hybrids. It's a matrix - We think it's normal to get sick, it's not. - We think it's normal to worship (beg) sky deities or invisible deities. It's not. Its all just Indoctrinations of the matrix. ■ The real ANU are Our 9th NETERU ELDERS/CUSTODIANS whom are Our current Guardians whom did not sleep through Our current cycle of Self Forgetfulness of the Youniverse, as each and every cycle of the Youniverse have Custodians/Guardians to safeguard the Planet against any external forces and also to keep the Cosmic Electromagnetic fields flowing accordingly aligned with specific stars as preordained before the initiation of every Cycle of the Youniverse. ■ The real ANU are the 24 ELDERS whom chose their 144 000 Chiefs of 72 000 NeterGadaat and 72 000 NeterGad to lead US into Descending these current cycle of the Youniverse which was YAHWEHU's (Yakub) turn to manifest using His Creative Mind of the Youniverse, together with the ELOHIM to bring our Recessiveness (Light gene) embodied by the 4 original Light Races whom We came to the center of the Cosmos to manifest them right at the very deep bottom within Mother TEMARE (Earth). ■ Who are the fake annunakis? The fake annunaki were the first Brown race grafted by YAHWEHU (Yakub) and the ELOHIM after 200 years of Strategic mutational breeding. • 200 years later, the Red race was Grafted. • 200 years later the Yellow race was Grafted. • Then finally 66 years later the White race (Caucanoidz) were created. ▪︎It took 666 years to Graft/create all the light races on Earth today. On the 666th year the pale Caucanoidz were finally created. ▪︎ It took 666 years to completely remove all the Dominant dark gene and create a pure human being with Zero Melanin in the DNA. ▪︎ After the first Brown race which was Grafted by YAHWEHU (Ya-ba-Hwehu~ King of the Light race) and ELOHIM (59 000 chosen Moorish Carbon skinned and Albinos). ▪︎ The word Moor means Masters. The ELOHIM were very intelligent BA-NTU master Alchemists all over AFU-RAKA whom chose to be part of the Great Ritual which was to suppress their Dominant Dark Gene out of their DNA through strategic mutational Rituals. ▪︎ YAHWEHU and the ELOHIM went to Pitmo Island to fulfil these Great Rituals which are part of 7 Great Rituals of Self Forgetfulness cycle of the Youniverse, where We temporarily forget Our Mind of the Youniverse in order to bring the embodiment of Our Recessive light gene within Us and also experience it anew as New clueless Souls. ▪︎When YAHWEHU and ELOHIM went Pitmo Island far away from the SUN reach to Graft/mutate the light races by suppressing Melanin to bring about the Recessive light gene, Our Dynasty of BATHEBE (the Thebes) was already in Lower and Upper Nubia, perfecting their Civilization In KGEMETA/Khemet (egypt). ▪︎ The first Civilization in the World was first established in AZAR, modern day South Afuraka at a place called BOHLABATŠAŠI (modern day MPUMALANGA) where ATUM (Cosmic Energy/Musculinity) Seeded Himself within AFU (Mother Earth/MA'AT/Femininity) in order for the first SUN to rise at the 24° Tropic of Capricorn. ▪︎ The name BOHLABATŠAŠI (Izalo Y'langa) l means A place where the SUN Rises. ▪︎ In BOHLABATŠAŠI there's an ancient site today called ADAMS calendar which is ATUM'S COSMIC Wheel (calendar) which the first Pyramids on Earth were built and this Pyramids are directly aligned with the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt today. ▪︎ This Pyramids are hidden underground and some have been destroyed by maturity of the Cosmos since they were very old. ▪︎ Yes the first SUN rises in the East of South Afuraka, at BOHLABATŠAŠI which is now called Mpumalanga after the Dutch Boers helped by AmaSwati Warriors as captives of warfare conquered Kgoši THULARE I of BA-KGATLA ba HURUTSHI II/HUROSET II, the ANKHCESTORS of modern day Northen Sotho People of Mpumalanga, Botswana, Gauteng and Limpopo. ▪︎ After the reptilian Boers conquered the last Dynasty of Bathebe (the Thebes) under King THULARE I they rewarded King of Amaswati with land in the outskirts of Mpumalanga so that they protect the Boers against any invasion by other Northern So-THO BANTU people. Back to fake annunaki. ▪︎ 100 years later after YAHWEHU and the rest of the remaining ELOHIM Ascended back to SARAS-WATI/NIBIRU/ANU-NABIS, The Sumerians saw an opportunity to play Gods upon other Light Races that came after them. ▪︎ Sumerian fake annunakis made a contact with the Draconians from Draco constellation. Which is a land (plane terrain) outside Mother Earth Seperated by huge ice walls and the Glass firmament. ▪︎ The reptilian Royalty who destroyed their land saw an opportunity to take over Mother Earth taking advantage of the fact that ANU-NABIS/NIBIRU has left to SARAS-WATI to take YAHWEHU and the ELOHIM back home (STAR SIRIUS) until the end of preordained cycle Self Forgetfulness is completed. ▪︎ And also taking advantage of the fact that We (NTUS) had initiated the cycle of Self Forgetfulness where we temporarily forget the Supreme Mind (pineal gland) of the Youniverse. ▪︎ The Draconian and Sumerian annunakis (self proclaimed ANU) working together they casted a spell that enclosed the Portals in order to stop the Real ANU (Guardians/Custodians) from reintering Mother Earth and destroying them. ▪︎ The Draconians always played masterminds hiding in the shadows while using the images of Sumerian sorcerers as "Gods". The reptilian are still playing that game today shapeshifted as the Caucanoidz. Hiding their weak fragile lizard bodies behind the White cloned skin of the Caucanoidz. ▪︎ The Reptilians working with Sumerians mated and Genetically modified their DNA together to create alsorts of Hybrids, Niphilims (light race human eating Giants), the likes of Yeti, Bigfoot, Pinky-pinky, Elfs, Feiries, Tikoloshes, Water creatures, etc.. ▪︎ The Sumerian anunnaki played Draconian gods sacrificing humans for blood and Meat to feed the Reptilians and niphilims because needed human blood to survive on Earth as they're a foreign DNA to Earth's Atmosphere. ▪︎ The fake gods and reptilians went around Civilizations conquering the lands and resources. Also killed the Adults while they indoctrinated their Offsprings to see and worship them as Gods. ▪︎ Remember the Movie Apocalypto? That movie is based on True story. ▪︎ The Mayans are also victims of Draconian Annunakis. They worshipped reptilians and sumerian gods thinking they worshiping their creators. ▪︎ The Draconian imposters built Atlantis and caused terror all over the World. The Sumerians led by reptilians when they gained power through being worshipped then started to attack KHEMET. ▪︎ Remember the first Turkish invasion that invaded Khemet? Why do you think Egypt is controlled by Arabs today? ▪︎ Arabs are the light Descendents of Sumerian annunakis. Who came to Khemet long after the Original inhabitants of Khemet whom are Nubian BaNTU tribes had already left and went back to their Birth places. Thus we went to Khemet Store & preserve our ESOTERIC Cosmic Knowledge in order to remind Ourselves of Our ANKHCESTRY in the present future. ▪︎ The Thebes (Bathebe) Dynasty which Eye descend from then left Nubia and returned back to the upper Southern Sahara of AFURAKA. Remember the Map is actually upside down and South is at the Top and North is a the Bottom. ▪︎Bathebe (the Thebes) were not the first but one of the first and longest BANTU Dynasty to rule Upper Nubia and Lower Nubia. And they also civilized America as Moorish OLMECS, Asia as Moorish SANSKRITS and Europe as Moorish YUROBAS. ▪︎The Mesopotamian imposters where conquered the by Thebes Dynasty being assisted the real ANU where they melted the ice walls to open another hidden deep portal in order to reinter Mother Earth as the other known Portals where closed. ▪︎ The melting of Ice walls which rose the sea level by Our Custodians led to the first Floods that the fake story of Noah was fabricated from. We'll talk about the actually event on another segment. ▪︎ The first floods and Earthquakes influenced by ANU assisting the THEBES of AFURAKA, The OLMECS of MARAKA (fake name Amerikkka), the SANKARATA (Sanskrits) of AŠA (asia), were the ones that destroyed and sunk Sumeria, Babylon, Akkadia, and Assyria ▪︎ Mesopotamia was then destroyed killing all the elites/deities, some of the reptilians, their hybrids, niphilims and other creatures. ▪︎ Some of the Skeletons of the Niphilims and creatures are still hidden underground, some were burned up by Volcanic lava, and some are discovered by archaeologists. NB. Not only Niphilims were Giants, We also have petrifications and Skeletons Of Ourselves as NUBIAN GIANTS that assisted the current Us in a Size of Our human Creation, as we needed to fulfill the completion of building the Pyramids of Giza and Pyramids of Mexico, Peru, The Bermuda Triangle, and other undiscovered Pyramids at the bottom of the Ocean bed. ▪︎ When Sumeria, was destroyed, The Royal reptilians hid their two Offsprings deep underground which they survived the floods. ▪︎ This two siblings (Elizardbeth & Her reptilian brother husband Prince Philip) of the surviving Draconian Offsprings emerged to the upper ground when the water settled and this time around they made a pact with a Greek Grand white Wizard King Mesodoniac, the Father Alexander the Greek who gave Emperor Constantine the stolen tablets he stole in Khemet while he was pretending to be a scholar. ▪︎ King mesodoniac working with reptilians (Queen Elizardbeth and her Brother Husband) send his Son Alexander the Greek to Khemet to learn the sacred Knowledge of BANTU people and also spy on It's NATION. The reptilian Hybrids took advantage of our DIVINITY and UBUNTU then used it against Us ▪︎ When Alexander the Greek left Khemet he had stolen so many relics, scrolls and tablets as instructed by his father, which let to the rise of Greek Empire to Roman empire. ▪︎ The first Bible was written by a sorcerer King mesodoniac working with his Son Alexander, plagerising and twisting the BUKARA (A Manual of the Spirit of the Sun) into Hilios Biblio (book of the Sun) by the Greeks. Which was later plegerised and converted into Holy Bible by Emperor Constantine and the Council of Necea. Then came King James with his KJ version of the Bible, as well as many other versions that are present today. ▪︎BUKARA is a Manual of the Metaphysical condensation of Cosmic LIFE (Energy) which from the SUN henceforth as Nawubian BANTU are called SUN PEOPLE or PEOPLE of the SUN. It was recorded to specifically to teach the Light race, which We SARAS-WATI 360° complete BEINGS Seeded TEMARE to experience Our Recessive light gene through Our light race, meanwhile teaching them how to conquer their Recessiveness as they're the last Creation which we created for the first time. And in order for them to experience Higher Vibrational Frequencies of the Youniverse, they must first experience the lower vibrations and conquer them to upgrade. ▪︎ BUKARA is tablets and scrolls which was originally written for the Light Race teaching them about their Creators (BANTU) "People of wooly hair and skin like bronze, who lives in the Lands of milk and honey" before they ever met US.
▪︎The current Bible and all this other religious books are falsehoods plegerised from the Original BUKARA scrolls 📜. Hilios Biblios was intentionally fabricated by group of Greek Kings writing their own stories to make themselves superior. The likes of Ephesians, Galatians, etc were Greek Tribes submitting their versions of stories to be added in their version of Hilios Biblios called the first testament after receiving an order from Alexander the Greek. ▪︎ The New testament was written by King Arthur, until King James also wrote his King James version. All this religious books were instructed by the Draconians as means suppressing Our Spirituality through Draconian demonic frequencies of Lower vibrations. Let me emphasis no one has image nor statues of the real ANU, all this other images & statues are just fake annunaki imposters and their reptilian handlers. The Real ANU have returned through NIBIRU/ANU-NABIS which fueled by Star Sirius East and West, to assist Us again to destroy all the Draconian reign for good and vibrate Mother Earth back to her Original State as we've fulfilled the cycle of Self Forgetfulness Youniverse. ▪︎ Nothing is new under the Sun. - The sea level is rapidly rising again - Earthquakes - Volcanoes - Floods and storms. - The reptilians still went underground trying to hide unfortunately we found of them, killed and killing them one by one in their hiding cities underground which are also getting mud flooded and burned by lava.
Eye repeat, it's not the end of the World and it'll never be the end of the World. However its the end of Demonic frequencies of false gods, false religions, false education, false laws, false health, false Foods & liquids, demonic activities, cults, 33° freemasonry, 33° illuminati, Child trafficking, child molestation, child sacrifices, fake politicians, fake scientists, the end of fake reality, fake technology, fake messiah, fake prophets, and fake annunakis 🙄. We are ANU, just ANU not anunnaki. Anunnakis are the likes of Enlil, Enki, ▪︎The name ANU means SEEDER/ANKH-CESTOR and in other meaning can be closely related to a word the "PARENT". In Northen Sotho ANU means MOTSWADI (SEEDER/Bringer of LIFE). ▪︎There no aliens which are coming to invade TEMARE (Earth) the Custodians are coming back to shift the Electromagnetic Grid of Mother Earth back to default setting. And because reptilian Hybrids are afraid of their demise, they push the Alien invasion agenda to get people to panic and seek refuge under the reptilians. ▪︎ When the ELDERS finally show themselves some of which fell for the alien invasion deception will be frightened and run underground to hide with reptilian Hybrids which in return they will be held hostage and be eaten as food. ▪︎ Fortunately many of Us are Awakening now and We won't go underground with the desperate hybrids. ▪︎ Many of Us have been seeing the Shamas/Starcrafts classified as UFOs for the past hundred years. The so called UFOs are Our ANKHCESTORS within the Shamas/Starcrafts of Flying Saucers and Pyramid shaped crafts. Not those short greys creatures they show you as aliens in the movies, those are just extra terrestrial DNA creatures created by Reptilians and Mesopatamians sumerian interbreeding with each other and also humans (light race) to create all sorts of creatures as means of causing an imbalance of Divine flow of ANU > CREATION!

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