Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The history of Mpumalanga

The Place of the Rising Sun The history of the province It is difficult to conceive of an area of greater historical, scenic and wildlife diversity anywhere in the world, and a journey  to South Africa would not be complete without a visit to this province. Indeed, in the South African context, Mpumalanga is already rated as one of the country's most popular tourist destinations.  Attractions range from game viewing and bird watching, to scenic drives across the valleys and peaks of the vast   Drakensberg escarpment. Historical sites and villages, old wagon routes and monuments mark events and characters who passed before in search of adventure and wealth. Anecdotes abound The story of Jock of the Bushveld, a Staffordshire bull terrier whose hunting exploits during his life in the lowveld were immortalised in the story of the same name, by the famous pioneer Sir Percy Fitzpatrick. The story, popular with all age groups, characterises much of the lifestyle of the early days in the lowveld. The cultural heritage of the province is both varied and exciting. From the Ndebele beadwork and  house painting in the north west to the crafts of the lowveld, a unique insight is offered into the history, lives and passions of the people. Those who seek the mystique and diversity of the African bushveld, the natural drama of both the scenery and the wildlife, or simply to relax in the variety of environments offered by the province, will be welcomed by all the people of Mpumalanga,the land and the people time chart. Historical Perspective In the mountains above Barberton scientists have found traces of "Stromatolites", the remnants of blue-green algae formed 3500 million years ago when oxygen was added to the earth's atmosphere in significant quantities to create the first evolutionary step towards life forms.
Throughout the Mpumalanga hills and mountains exist hundreds of examples of San (bushman) art. This art serves as a window  looking into the lives of the San hunters and gatherers who inhabited the area centuries before the arrival of the Nguni people from the north. The region abounded with all types of game, plants, birds and insects. The rivers ran full, providing for the needs of these early inhabitants. Later came the first of the Nguni people who arrived with herds of cattle, and mined red ochre in the hills south of Malelane. Early smelters, which pre-date the main Nguni influx, have been excavated, indicating that the use of iron and copper was well advanced during these years. Similarly, early pottery fragments and sculptural artifacts unearthed in the hills on the Long Tom Pass, notably the "Lydenburg heads" have been described as a major art find . Around 1400 AD the second Nguni migration arrived from the north with their vast herds of cattle. These people had advanced the art of iron smelting, and built stone-walled houses for their settlements. The creation of the Swazi nation as we know it today commenced at the time of King Ngwane. The area, which was then demarcated by tribal boundaries, was referred to as KaNgwane, a name that still stands. Clans forged friendships with other clans through  marriage and for safety of numbers, while frequent raids against neighbouring clans  served to replenish cattle herds and  to extend tribal lands. The movements of tribal chiefs through the region had a profound effect on the formation and bonding of nations. Most notable was the influence of Zulu king Shaka, whose empire stretched southwards from the Swaziland border to the Tugela River.   Shoshangane, who escaped from Zululand and settled in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, was the founder of the Shangane people, while Mzilikazi, after being forced  to flee Zululand to escape the wrath of Shaka, travelled through the region on his way north to establish an empire in southern Zimbabwe.  His passage was marked by death and destruction as he sought to subjugate the Ndebele people. For centuries, Mpumalanga was  populated by warrior clans  who roamed the hills and plains in search of grazing for their cattle and safety for their people. Theirs was a life of war and survival as the centres of power moved from one clan to another. The oral tradition passed down in the folklore of the people is today an important record of the lives and tribal history of the inhabitants. The Land and the People The Early Inhabitants Red ochre mines at Dumaneni, 6km south of Malelane, and at Lion Cavern, a site in the Ngwenya mountains, are some of the oldest mining sites in the world which attest to the early presence of man in Mpumalanga, some 46 000 years ago. The red ochre  -  ludvumane in siSwati, which means 'four times the sound of thunder' - emphasises the importance of this mineral to early African civilisations. Ochre was used by chiefs and diviners, who covered their bodies with a mixture of this deep red mineral and animal fats in order to endow themselves with power. Later, San (Bushmen) used ochre both to decorate their bodies and in the manufacture of pigments. Examples of San (Bushman) rock art can be found throughout the province, marking the passage of these hunter-gatherers. Early indications of the presence of the species Australopithecus and Homo erectus take us back to the dawn of time, placing Mpumalanga in the cradle of the emergence of civilisation in Africa.
The Ndebele The Ndebele people of north west Mpumalanga now live in the area around Dennilton where, after a century of struggle, they were granted land on which to re-establish their people, who had been scattered throughout South Africa by war and restrictive legislation. The history of these people has been one of hardship and turmoil as successive waves of foreigners invaded their historic homeland. The Ndebele are a Nguni people. During the third and fourth centuries they migrated to the Zebedelia and Pretoria areas in a series of migrations, and it was in this region that they established their tribal lands during the mid-17th century. Today a bronze sculpture of the Ndebele leader Nyabela stands outside the Mapoch Caves, to remind the descendants of this brave and proud people of their turbulent past. The Swazi The Swazi people can trace their origins to a region in Kenya on the slopes of Mount Kenya, some 140km north of Nairobi. They arrived in Southern Africa under their chief, Dlamini, and settled initially near Maputo. The tribe then moved southwards to the Pongola River and later still into present day Swaziland where it developed its Swazi identity under King Sobhuza I (1815-1836) and later his son, King Mswati II. The latter was credited with uniting the many clans into one nation. Mswati II also set out to enlarge his empire by attacking his northern neighbours to as far north as Venda and the Limpopo River. King Mswati was a cruel and determined leader, whose army was greatly feared. However, in one engagement, his army attacked the Pulana clan in the valleys of the Blyde River Canyon. The Pulana succeeded in defeating the Swazis by hurling rocks down on them from the cliffs above. The survivors of this battle, fearing reprisals if they returned to their king, settled to the north of Swaziland in small pockets, where the same families live to this day. The Shangane Manukosi Shoshangane Nxumalo, a fighting general in Zwide's Ndwandwe army, was defeated by Shaka's army in Zululand and driven north of the Inkomati River, where he established a new kingdom in the Gaza Province of Mozambique. Over the years his empire grew through alliances with local chiefs and through war, until it extended to as far north as the Zambezi River. When Shoshangane died in 1856 he was succeeded by one of his two sons, Mawewe. The new king, in turn, fell victim to inter-family fighting and was deposed by his brother Mzila. Years of fighting throughout the region then weakened the Shangane empire, and in the absence of strong leadership the clans scattered through a wide area of Mpumalanga, the Northern Province and Mozambique. Today the Shangane nation is once again well defined stretching from south of Bushbuckridge into the Northern Province, and eastwards into Mozambique.
The Pedi The Pedi, who occupy the land across the northern border of Mpumalanga in the Northern Province, have had a strong influence on the history and development of the Mpumalanga through the years. Many of their leaders have contributed meaningfully to the development of the province, and are set to continue to do so in the new South Africa. the europeans and asians Mpumalanga today is made up of a truly diverse mix of nations, the product of a pioneering history that attracted armies, adventurers and travellers from all corners of the world. They came to farm the land, to prospect for minerals, to hunt big game, or as businessmen to trade and prosper from the many economic opportunities that arose as the region developed. Others arrived from Europe to lay the railway from Maputo to Pretoria. Today the names of the descendants of these pioneers are often remembered in the names of towns mountains and rivers across the province. The Land High up on an outcrop of granite overlooking the Sabie River, 25 000 years ago, a San hunter stands poised, taking in every movement on the plain below. This is Africa. The great sky and the silence so characteristic of Mpumalanga, great herds of game moving cautiously towards the river as the sun dips on to the western escarpment. Little has changed, and today we can savour the same thrill of the wild, albeit in more secure and comfortable circumstances. North West Mpumalanga The north western bushveld region of Mpumalanga is an area of great beauty. Typical of Africa, it is the home of the Ndebele people. The region is also a meeting place of other groups, including the Tswana to the west and the Pedi to the north. The art and culture of the Ndebele is as unique as it is distinctive, and a visit to this region would not be complete without a stop at its various villages and art centres. The typical style of art, both beadwork and house paintings, possesses a freshness of colour and interpretation which has been developed within the communities and which reflects the ever changing social environment. The tourism region of Vuka-Tsoga (meaning "wake up - arise") has the advantage of being situated just one hour from Pretoria and an hour and a half from Johannesburg, accessed easily via major routes, and is an ideal destination for day trips and weekends. Further north west a vast stretch of bushveld is the site of a number of nature reserves; here the visitor will find peace and tranquillity among the animals and birds of this richly diverse region. Southern grass and wetlands The two tourism regions of south eastern Mpumalanga and the southern grass and wetlands take in the towns of Piet Retief, Amsterdam, Wakkerstroom and Volksrust, across the southern most sector of Mpumalanga against the KwaZulu-Natal border. The sites of the three principal battles of the first Anglo Boer War of 1881 are located at and near Majuba outside Volksrust. This is an area of exceptional beauty and interest to the tourist; an area of rolling hills and deep valleys with a temperate climate. Wakkerstroom is one of the prime birding sites in Southern Africa, where 29 bird species are either endemic or near endemic to the region. The region is also a centre for hikers, hang gliders, mountain bikers and anglers. Tourist accommodation is well provided by a number of country hotels, guest houses and bed and breakfast establishments. Mpumalanga is now a modern and progressive region in South Africa, where the old and the new combine to create a truly exceptional atmosphere for tourism. Modern hotels and guest houses, private game reserves and lodges all provide for the needs of the visitor, while conference facilities, sporting activities, historic tours and game viewing are available through an excellent transport network of road, rail and air.#UbuntuBami

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